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Are you a mosquito coil?it could be your scent

Are you a mosquito coil?it could be your scent


Video above: A newly developed mosquito repellent is actually “attracting mosquitoes” to some people, according to a new study from DEETA, possibly related to its smell. rice field. Their skin is full of specific chemicals that bind to their odors. And there’s bad news for mosquito coils. Vampires remain loyal to their favorite mosquitoes for a long time. Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist at New York’s Rockefeller University, said there’s a lot of folklore about who bites more, but many claims aren’t supported by strong evidence. In the test, the researchers designed an experiment to compare people’s smells to each other, explained study author Maria Elena de Ovaldia. Their findings were published Tuesday in the journal Cell. , asked 64 volunteers at and near the university to wear nylon stockings around their forearms to pick up odors on their skin. A few mosquitoes were released. “It quickly became clear.” The scientists held a round-robin tournament that ended in an impressive gap: the largest mosquito magnets attracted about 100 times more mosquitoes than the lowest ones. In the experiment, we used Aedes aegypti, which spreads diseases such as yellow fever, Zika fever, and dengue fever. Vosshall said he expects similar results with other strains, but more research is needed to confirm. “Mosquito coils appear to remain mosquito coils,” said Matt DeGennaro, a neurogeneticist at Florida International University. Video below: clothes keep mosquitoes out… their skin. These “greasy molecules” are part of the skin’s natural moisturizing layer, and people produce them in varying amounts. It produces some of the profiles, she said. You can’t get rid of these acids and they can harm your skin’s health.The Institute of Medicine and serves as its chief scientific officer. The lab, which also supports the Associated Press’ Health Sciences Division, could help find new ways to repel mosquitoes, said Jeff Riffel, a neurobiologist at the University of Washington. Stated. There may be ways to tamper with the bacteria on the skin or change the tantalizing odor in humans. The researchers also conducted experiments with mosquitoes that had been genetically edited to impair their sense of smell, and the insects still swarm the same mosquito coils. I have a backup plan for

Video Above: Newly Developed Mosquito Repellent May Make You Ditch DEET

A new study shows that some people are actually “mosquito magnets”, possibly related to their smell.

Researchers have found that the people who are most attractive to mosquitoes produce large amounts of certain chemicals in their skin that are linked to odors. Vampires stay true to their favorites over time.

Leslie Vosshall, study author and neurobiologist at Rockefeller University in New York, said: “High levels of this substance on your skin can lead to stings when you go on a picnic. I will.”

There is a lot of folklore about who gets bitten more, but many claims are not backed up by strong evidence.

Video below: How to get rid of mosquitoes

To test the magnetism of mosquitoes, researchers designed an experiment that matched people’s scents against each other, explained study author Maria Elena de Obaldia. Their findings were published Tuesday in the journal Cell. It was published.

They asked 64 volunteers at and near the university to wear nylon stockings on their forearms to pick up skin odors. The stockings were placed in separate traps at the end of long tubes, releasing dozens of mosquitoes.

“They basically flock to the subjects that appeal to them the most,” De Obaldia said. “It was immediately apparent.”

The scientists held a round-robin tournament that ended up with a big difference. The largest mosquito magnet attracted about 100 times more mosquitoes than the lowest one.

The experiment used Aedes aegypti, which carries diseases such as yellow fever, Zika, and dengue. Vosshall said he expects similar results with other strains, but more research is needed to confirm.

Matt DeGenaro, a neurogeneticist at Florida International University who was not involved in the study, showed that these large differences persisted by testing the same people over multiple years.

“Mosquito magnets seem to remain mosquito magnets,” DeGennaro said.

Video below: These clothes keep mosquitoes away

Among the favorites, researchers found a common factor: Mosquito magnets had high levels of certain acids in their skin. Healthy bacteria living on the skin eat up these acids and produce part of the skin’s odor profile.

You can’t get rid of these acids without compromising skin health, said Vosshall, who was paid by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and is chief scientific officer. We also support departments.

But the research could help find new ways to repel mosquitoes, says Jeff Riffell, a neurobiologist at the University of Washington. He was not involved in this research. There might be a way to tinker with skin bacteria to change the tantalizing odor in humans, he said.

Still, finding ways to repel mosquitoes isn’t easy, says Riffell.

This study proved this point. The researchers also experimented with mosquitoes that had been genetically edited to impair their sense of smell. The bugs were still swarming around the same mosquito coil.

“Mosquitoes are resilient,” Vosshal said. “They have a lot of back-up plans so they can find us and bite us.”




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