More evidence linking ultra-processed foods to premature death
- A new study from Brazil shows a significant association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of early preventable death.
- Experts say the findings highlight the importance of discouraging processed foods and encouraging healthier eating patterns.
- They also say that nutritious whole foods are superior to highly processed foods and are safe and healthy.
Ultra-processed foods are bad for your health, chronic disease Obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc.
New research is now American Journal of Preventive Medicine It was found that the consumption of Ultra processed foods (UPF) It was associated with a significant increase in all-cause premature death in Brazil in 2019.
The researchers also note that Brazilians consume far less ultra-processed food than other high-income countries. America.
“Consumption of ultra-processed foods, representing 23.7% of total dietary energy, is associated with more than 10% of preventable premature deaths from all causes in Brazil,” said the study authors. Edward AF Nilssonthe Center for Epidemiological Research in Nutrition and Health, the University of Sao Paulo, and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Brazil, ScD, told Healthline.
“This translates to approximately 57,000 adult deaths per year in Brazil due to the consumption of ultra-processed foods.”
According to Nilsson, the study models data from nationally representative dietary surveys and Brazilian mortality data, and takes into account the extent and purpose of industrial food processing to assess dietary patterns against all-cause mortality. is tied to
He notes that the researchers used statistical analysis to estimate the proportion of total deaths that could be attributed to the consumption of UPF, and used data from 2019 to estimate the consumption of these products in these age groups. I explained how reducing the dose by 10, 20, and 50% affects mortality.
More than 500,000 adults between the ages of 30 and 69 died prematurely in 2019, about 300,000 of them from preventable non-communicable diseases, according to findings.
Nilsson noted that his study adds to the growing body of literature pointing to the importance of reducing consumption of ultra-processed foods.
He said it was important to consider their imbalanced nutritional composition, their “altered food matrix,” and their constituents (i.e., food additives) and “neo-pollutants.”
“Massive consumption of ultra-processed foods cardiovascular diseaseobesity, diabetes, certain cancers, depressionand other illnesses,” he said.
Additionally, Nilsson warned that the negative health effects of ultra-processed foods could be even worse in wealthier countries.
“In high-income countries such as the United States, ultra-processed foods account for up to 57% of total dietary energy, so the estimated impact of these foods will be even greater,” says Nilson.
In any case, Nilsson Consume less ultra-processed foods A 20% increase in consumption levels observed ten years ago would prevent about 11,000 deaths annually.
Emily FaberHe is a registered dietitian at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, part of Northwell Health in New York.
She stressed that these products typically lack protein, fiber, and many common things. micronutrients They typically contain a large number of calories, sugar, total fat and saturated fat.
But some processed foods, such as oils, pasta, flour, sugar, salt, canned fruits and vegetables, seasoned nuts, cured and smoked meats, cheese and bread, are not necessarily harmful to health, Faber said. clarified.
“All these balanced diet And sometimes consuming is inevitable,” she told Healthline.
“Foods formulated to be more nutritious and contain fewer ingredients have the potential to be alternatives to traditional ultra-processed foods. and milk are included.
Doctor Theodore StrangeThe medical director of Staten Island University Hospital in New York told Healthline that people who eat less processed foods have lower incidence and prevalence of some or all possible health problems. .
“A more natural diet, [and] Less processing has been shown to lead to better overall health and lower incidence of diseases such as: Diabetes, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diverticulosis, Migraineand some cancers, just to name a few,” he said.
Dr. Strange also pointed out that there is a “direct correlation” between salt intake and high blood pressure. trans fat Atherosclerosis and colon cancer, processed sugar and diabetes.
“Trans-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt diets are unhealthy and may become unsafe over time, increasing the potential for health effects,” he said.
“more plate colorthe more likely these are the healthier food choices that are better for you.
A new study builds on existing evidence linking ultra-processed food consumption to chronic disease and premature death.
Like other nutrition experts, study author Nilsson says that in addition to avoiding ultra-processed foods, a healthy, balanced diet includes eating fresh, minimally processed foods whenever possible. I agree that it should be based on
“If the current trend of gradually increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods continues, premature death will increase,” Nilsson said, adding that his study underscores the need for policy shifts on ultra-processed foods. He added that there are
Policies that discourage consumption of ultra-processed foods may include expanding nutrition education and improving access to food desserts.
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