Can Diabetes Cause Heart Failure?

World Diabetes Day 2022: Smoking may increase an individual’s risk of heart failure
Heart disease is more common in people with type 2 diabetes, but it is a risk faced by all people with diabetes. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death in people with type 2 diabetes.
The more risk factors for heart disease, the more likely you are to develop heart disease and die. Diabetics, like everyone else, are more likely to die of heart disease if they have more health risk factors.
However, people with diabetes are two to four times more likely to die from heart disease. Therefore, a person with diabetes is twice or four times more likely to die than someone with only one health risk factor, such as high blood pressure.
World Diabetes Day 2022: Why are people with diabetes at higher risk of heart failure?
Atherosclerosis, the build-up of cholesterol in the blood channels that supply the heart with oxygen and nutrients, is the most common cause of heart disease in people with diabetes.
The body attempts to repair ruptured cholesterol plaques by sending platelets to contain them when they are at risk of breaking apart or rupturing. Because the arteries are narrowed, platelets can block blood flow and deprive it of oxygen, which can lead to a heart attack.

Diabetes may increase an individual’s risk of heart failure
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Stroke or peripheral vascular disease can occur from low blood flow to the legs, hands, or arms, and can occur in any of the body’s arteries by the same mechanism. This alone can cause your blood vessels to begin to deteriorate over time, leading to serious heart problems.
This is because the body cannot use enough sugar, and it attaches to red blood cells and accumulates in the blood. As a result of this buildup, the blood vessels that carry blood to and from the heart can become blocked and damaged, depriving the heart of nutrients and oxygen.
Therefore, keeping your HbA1c levels as close to your target as possible can help protect your blood vessels and, in turn, your heart. Over time, even a small increase in blood sugar can put you at greater risk.
Also read: World Diabetes Day 2022: 7 Food Groups Pre-Diabetes Should Avoid
Can this risk be reduced?
Although there is an important link between diabetes and heart disease, both conditions are inevitable. Patients with heart failure and diabetes may have worse clinical outcomes than those with heart failure alone, but there are approaches to treat both conditions.
Both heart disease and diabetes may require medication. To keep these conditions from getting worse and even life-threatening, it’s important to follow a treatment schedule as directed by your doctor.
Treatment of diabetes is aimed at lowering blood sugar levels, while treatment of heart failure is aimed at reducing the burden on the heart and increasing its pumping capacity. Added to this are lifestyle changes that ensure reduced risk.

Diabetes Day: Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Helps Prevent Diabetes-Related Complications
Photo credit: iStock
Here are some lifestyle changes that can significantly lower your risk of heart failure and other heart diseases.
- Exercise regularly as recommended by your doctor
- Follow healthy eating and dietary guidelines, such as reducing salt and balancing carbohydrate intake
- quit smoking
- consume alcohol in moderation or avoid it altogether
- Daily check of weight and blood sugar
Also read: World Diabetes Day 2022: 5 Tips to Control Blood Sugar This Winter
If you are diabetic or prone to diabetes or other heart disease, keep these things in mind.
Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is not a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a professional or family doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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