A multi-million pound trial could help find a cure for the flu this winter, fast.imperial news
A new national trial launched today aims to use the lessons of the pandemic to quickly find effective treatments for people hospitalized with severe flu.
With record numbers of flu cases likely this winter, there is no clear evidence of the best treatment for severely ill patients. Many people who get the flu recover on their own without needing hospital treatment, but some become seriously ill and even life-threatening.
2.9 million pounds REMAP-CAP Trial works with National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHR) will recruit hospitalized children and adults with severe influenza from 150 hospitals across the UK over the next two years. Run by researchers and clinicians from Imperial College London, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Collaborate with experts from other countries. It is funded by the NIHR and distributed by the NIHR’s Clinical Research Network.
“During the pandemic, our trials were able to respond quickly to new viruses and our approach helped save lives.We are now redeploying it against known threats. doing.” Professor Anthony Gordon Principal Investigator of the REMAP-CAP Influenza Trial
This is the first time a test of this kind has been used for influenza. The REMAP-CAP trial was originally set up to tackle the pandemic.Exactly 2 years since then REMAP-CAP indicated in COVID-19 How reducing inflammation with the drug tocilizumab can save lives in critically ill patients.
The trial is designed to provide answers quickly, using a robust and rapid approach to testing multiple treatments simultaneously in thousands of people. The trial is highly adaptable, allowing the team to quickly learn from early results and ensure people get treatments that show promising results as quickly as possible.
Professor Anthony GordonChief Investigator in New Trial at Imperial College London Surgery/Oncology Critical Care Medicine Consultant for Imperial College Health Care NHS Trust said: We are currently redeploying against known threats. Influenza is highly contagious and in some cases can seriously aggravate children, the elderly and the vulnerable.
“This winter may see more flu cases than usual as the virus may reactivate after it has been kept at low levels by pandemic measures. Our COVID-19 clinical trials have changed clinical practice globally, and we hope it will have the same impact on flu treatment. We hope that we can give back and ease the winter pressure on the NHS.”
“Innovative” trial format
The trial, which will run for two years (as a first example), is intended to recruit thousands and test multiple treatments. These include the antiviral treatments oseltamivir (also known as Tamiflu) and baloxavir, which were found to be effective against COVID-19 in the original REMAP-CAP trial, as well as steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs. More treatments may be added in the future.
The trial includes adults, children, and infants 1 month and older who are hospitalized with severe influenza. Children and babies receive lower doses of treatment than adults.
Dr. Elizabeth WhitakerConsultant and Senior Clinical Lecturer in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Imperial College Health Care NHS Trust Department of Infectious Diseases At Imperial College London she heads the children’s portion of the trial.
“Getting a free aerosol flu vaccine is our first line of defense and greatly reduces the risks for children. A lot of treatment is needed, which is why this trial is so important.
“We want to work with various experts across the country to determine the best treatment for influenza and ultimately save lives.”
“This groundbreaking trial will use lessons learned from Covid to provide a treatment that will reduce severe illness among flu patients, ease pressure on the NHS and ultimately save lives.” Will Quince Minister of Health and Secondary Medicine
Minister for Health and Secondary Care Will Quince said:
“This groundbreaking trial will use the lessons learned from Covid to provide a treatment to reduce severe illness for flu patients, ease pressure on the NHS and ultimately save lives.
“While the trial is aimed at preventing illness for future flu seasons, with flu levels rising this year, we ask that everyone eligible for the free vaccine come forward as soon as possible. is important.”
Researchers will study how effective the treatment is in reducing flu deaths and stopping patients who need intensive care.
To help determine which treatments can make the best use of NHS resources, researchers are investigating whether treatments reduce severe symptoms, stop people needing respiratory support, reduce hospital stays and intensive care. It also monitors whether they spend less time in the room. Researchers will also measure quality of life and disability after recovery.
The trial involves leading UK experts, including specialists in intensive care, respiratory medicine and pediatrics. Infectious disease and virology experts are also involved to closely monitor whether the influenza virus becomes resistant to the antiviral drugs tested in the trial.
Unlike other trials, which typically test individual treatments over a period of time, new trials, known as adaptive platform trials, continue as new treatments are added. Any remedies found not to work will be removed. It also involves trying treatments alone, in combination, and over varying periods of time to find the best way to treat the flu.
“Using this approach, new treatments can be introduced and thoroughly tested against each other without stopping and starting trials. Instead, this kind of trial continues research,” explained Professor Gordon.
Patient groups have helped design this trial platform through workshops and interviews.
Professor Paul Dark, Deputy Medical Director of the NIHR Clinical Research Network, said: infrastructure.
“Participating in research saves lives and benefits us all, both now and in the future. We truly encourage everyone to participate in research.”
Main image credit: Shutterstock.
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