Teenagers’ brains look surprisingly different after lockdown : ScienceAlert
stress of living pandemic Lockdown has accelerated the aging of teenagers’ brains. The effects are similar to those previously observed as a result of violence, neglect, and family dysfunction.
Even if you are well past puberty, adolescence can be a tumultuous time in your thoughts and emotions, and even without the global pandemic and accompanying lockdowns, many reorganizations take place in your brain. You may remember that
A recent study by researchers at Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco concluded that the pandemic “accelerated” cortical reorganization, thinning, and increased size of the hippocampus and amygdala portion of the brain. .
“We already know from global studies that the pandemic is having a negative impact on the mental health of young people, but we don’t know how it physically affects their brains. did.” Psychologist Ian Gottlib saysDirector of the Stanford Institute for Neurodevelopment, Effects, and Psychopathology (SNAP) in California.
the team saw magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI) brain scans of 81 children taken before the pandemic (November 2016 to November 2019) and during the pandemic (October 2020 to March 2022) after lockdown restrictions were eased ( Brain scans of 82 children taken in Spring 2020, California.
The researchers then used factors such as gender, age, adolescent status, ethnicity, early childhood stress, and socioeconomic background to match children from both groups and generate multiple points of comparison. I gave
What the scans showed was that the brain aging process appeared to accelerate in the post-pandemic group. equivalent to the aging of
A decline in mental health was also seen in the post-pandemic group, but it is not clear whether this is directly related to brain age. It is not known if the accelerated changes in these key brain structures will lead to further mental health problems.
“Will their chronological age eventually catch up with ‘brain age’?” Gottlib asks“If their brains remain permanently older than their chronological age, it is unknown what the future will bring.
“If you’re 70 or 80, you might expect cognitive and memory problems based on changes in your brain, but if you’re 16 and your brain is aging prematurely, what does that mean? ”
Further research will be needed to find out. The team plans to continue tracking the same group of people as they age, looking for further changes in brain structure and possible mental health complications.
All young people were recruited for the study. depression puberty.However, the arrival COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) – and the necessary pause in research during lockdown – sent research in a different direction.
This finding may indicate that other brain studies that must take into account this accelerated neurological aging need to be revised. Children who have gone through a pandemic may not necessarily have the same neurological conditions as children before it, but those differences are not easy to spot.
“Pandemics are a global phenomenon. Gottlib says“There is no real control group.”
This research Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science.
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