Vaccination protects blood cancer patients from severe disease caused by SARS-CoV2
People suffering from blood cancers often have weak immune systems and are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19. Moreover, some cancer treatments result in these patients developing few or no antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 after vaccination with COVID-19.But vaccination can also activate so-called T cellsparticularly involved in long-term immune responses.
A team led by Dr. Andrea Kepler-Hafkemeyer and Dr. Christine Grail, Physicians at the University Medical Center of Freiburg, and Prof. Oliver T. Kepler, Virologist at LMU Munich, characterized in detail the course of the immune response over several months. attached. Hematologic cancer patients who received a total of three vaccinations against COVID-19. From this result, it can be inferred that vaccination protects these patients from severe disease caused by SARS-CoV2.
Strong T cell responses to COVID-19 vaccination
This study focused on patients with two hematologic cancers: B-cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma.
Our results demonstrate that nearly all study participants exhibited robust T cell responses to COVID-19 vaccination. ”
Dr. Andrea Keppler-Hafkemeyer, University Medical Center Freiburg
“This may be one reason why breakthrough infections were found to be mild to moderate even in study participants who failed to develop specific antibodies after vaccination for treatment,” says Christine Greil. Dr. adds. The co-principal investigator and first author regularly care for patients with hematological cancers at the Faculty of Medicine I of the University Medical Center Freiburg.
The research group, led by Professor Oliver T. Keppler, specializes in analyzing not only the concentration of post-vaccination antibodies, but also their quality. This in particular depends on the strength of binding between the antibody and the viral spike protein. Additionally, the ability of antibodies to neutralize different SARS-CoV-2 variants in cell culture plays an important role. Therefore, as a next step, the scientists will examine the quantity and quality of antibodies against the spike protein in blood cancer patients and healthy study participants after two or three doses of his COVID-19 vaccination, and his We compared T cell responses.
High-quality antibodies against various SARS-CoV-2 variants
The study revealed that patients who were able to form antibodies tended to produce particularly high-quality antibodies. After the second vaccination, they are already able to neutralize and inactivate different SARS-CoV-2 variants. quite pronounced in the cohort.
“COVID-19 vaccination can produce a very broad range of antiviral immunity, including very strong antiviral immunity. Neutralizing antibody – Patients with various types of blood cancer. As a result, multiple doses of vaccination can be recommended for patients with B-cell lymphoma or multiple myeloma without interrupting therapy,” summarizes Professor Oliver T. Keppler.
Journal reference:
Kepler-Hafkemeyer, A., and others Al. (2022) Potent high avidity neutralizing antibody and T cell responses after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with B-cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma. natural cancer.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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