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Mammograms: How They Work and What You Need to Know

Mammograms: How They Work and What You Need to Know
Mammograms: How They Work and What You Need to Know


Early detection is important for the prevention of breast cancer, and regular mammography is very important.according to American Radiological SocietySince 1990, mammograms have reduced breast cancer mortality by 40%.

“Mammograms are very important in detecting breast cancer in its early stages. Breast cancer that is detected by mammography before it is palpable is a much easier disease to treat. a much shorter course of treatment that may not require the full spectrum of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

A mammogram is an x-ray picture of breast tissue used by doctors and radiologists to detect early signs of breast cancer. Also, when you should get it depends on several factors, including age, risk, and race/ethnicity.

“Anyone with breasts is at risk of getting breast cancer,” explains Omophoe. “In the United States, a woman has a 1 in 8 chance of getting breast cancer in her lifetime. It’s not a low risk unless you do.”

of National Comprehensive Cancer Network People at average risk of developing breast cancer are advised to have annual mammograms starting at age 40. Get a mammogram early. Early detection is especially important for black women and women of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, who are disproportionately affected by the disease, which is estimated to kill about 45,000 women each year.

Black women are more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age, 40% more likely to die higher rates of breast cancer than white women, 1 in 40 Ashkenazi Jewish women Having a BRCA gene mutation puts you at an increased risk of developing breast, ovarian, and other cancers at an early age.

There are two types of mammography: screening mammography and diagnostic mammography. Which one you need depends on your individual risk factors and current symptoms. If you have nipple discharge, pain, or a lump in your breast, you may need a diagnostic mammogram. But the process is the same for both.

before mammography

If you have had a mammogram before and are going to a different facility than your current one, be sure to bring the image with you. At the very least, remembering their names will help new establishments keep track of them.

Illustrated by Rita Liu

Illustration: Reducing your caffeine intake in the weeks leading up to your mammogram can help reduce breast sensitivity. You can also take ibuprofen or Tylenol beforehand to reduce pain. Wear a two-piece outfit (separate top and bottom) rather than a jumpsuit or dress to make undressing for the mammogram convenient and comfortable. Consider doing

Illustrated by Rita Liu

Illustration content: "Do not wear lotions, perfumes, deodorants, etc. on the day of your mammogram, as particles can show up in the image."

Illustrated by Rita Liu

To minimize potential discomfort, you should plan to avoid tenderness after a week or so of your menstrual cycle. Mammography does not require fasting, so you can have a meal beforehand. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s a good idea to bring a breast pump or be prepared to express to empty your breasts as much as possible before your mammogram.

When you arrive for your exam, you will return to a private waiting room where you will remove your top and bra and change into your robe.

During mammography

An illustration of a patient waiting in the mammography room reads: "The technician will take you back to a private room called the mammo suite and ask you about your medical history, including if you have had any lumps. history of breast cancer or a biopsy; as well as your family history to help determine your risk."

Illustrated by Rita Liu

“Mammography is one of the tests that detect breast cancer, but it’s not the only one,” Omofoye explains. “People at above-average risk may need additional screening tests in addition to mammography.”

After the technician has collected your information, remove the robe in half or completely as needed.

An illustration of a patient undergoing mammography, which reads: "Next, get as close as possible to a mammogram machine that uses low-dose x-rays to create images of your breasts. The breasts are then placed one by one on the lower compression plate by him and the technician lowers the upper compression plate so that the breasts fit between the two of hers. For each breast he needs a photo taken from two directions. top to bottom and side to side."

Illustrated by Rita Liu

“This is where people often talk about discomfort,” says Omofoye. “The more compression, the better the image. Compression reduces the overlap of normal breast tissue and helps spread it out very well, making hard lumps and cancers more prominent. Our building. had a sign that read, “We Compress Because We Care.” ”

Illustration of a patient doing a stretch with caption: Breast tissue is in the armpits and under the curve of the breast, so some manipulation is required to allow the machine to capture a clear image of the entire breast.

Illustrated by Rita Liu

In total, the whole process takes about 20 minutes not including waiting time.

after mammography

Once the technician has taken images of both breasts, you are free to dress and leave most clinics. Some facilities offer the patient the option of same-day results, but in most cases the radiologist will interpret the test within 24-48 hours of her and report the results back to you or your primary care physician. This may take several weeks.

Results may also be uploaded to the provider’s online portal before the doctor calls and discusses it. A full report of results will be shared with him within 30 days, with recommendations on when to complete the next mammogram or if additional screenings are needed at the bottom.

“A mammogram gives you additional information about yourself,” says Omophoe. “For example, mammograms always show breast density.

Illustration of different breast densities: "If your breast density falls into one of the last two categories (category C or D), it means that your breasts have a lot of tissue covering the cancer when you get the images on your mammogram. But don't worry, dark breasts are normal. Part of natural makeup.

Illustrated by Rita Liu

If the mammogram is normal, continue to get mammograms at the recommended intervals. If it is your first mammogram, this will serve as a baseline for future mammograms, and the radiologist will compare this to future mammograms when looking for changes. It does not necessarily mean that you have cancer, but you may need additional imaging tests.

“It’s important to set a reminder to schedule your next mammogram,” says Omofoye. “We are busy professionals, so it’s easy to forget, especially when we’re talking about women in their 30s and 40s. It’s really easy to do, but you shouldn’t. A mammogram may save your life.”

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