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Staying hydrated can reduce sickness and slow aging.

Staying hydrated can reduce sickness and slow aging.
Staying hydrated can reduce sickness and slow aging.


TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Is staying hydrated the key to longevity?

Perhaps older people who are properly hydrated live healthier, longer lives and have lower rates of heart and lung disease than those who aren’t, suggests new research.

“Staying well-hydrated can slow aging and prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease, resulting in a longer disease-free life.” Department of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.

“The best way for people to stay well hydrated is by engaging in strenuous sporting activities, [spending] I spent a lot of time in a hot environment,” Dmitrieva said.

The current recommendation is 2-3 liters of water per day. For women, she needs 6 to 9 cups of water a day, and men need about 8 to 12 cups.

“More than 50% of people in global population surveys drink less water than recommended, so increasing your water intake to recommended levels reduces your risk of developing chronic diseases,” Dmitrieva said. It is estimated that there is an opportunity to reduce

Samantha HellerA senior clinical dietitian at NYU Langone Health in New York City agreed that adequate hydration is essential to a healthy life.

“Our bodies work hard to maintain a healthy fluid balance, including maintaining serum sodium levels. [blood salt levels]) is strictly regulated. Inducing thirst is one way he signals that the body needs to consume more water. Too much or too little water intake can cause serious physiological disturbances in fluid balance,” she said.

But drinking water isn’t the only way to stay well hydrated, Heller said.

“Hydration needs can be met by consuming certain foods and drinks, such as fruits and vegetables. It’s best to avoid sugar-sweetened and diet drinks,” she said. Said. Choose water, seltzer, tea, and herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, and ginger.

Yes, drink, but don’t overdo it. Dmitrieva says drinking too much water also has its downsides.

“Drinking too much water is dangerous. When the kidneys are unable to excrete the excess water, it dilutes the sodium content in the blood. This is Hyponatremia And it can be life threatening,” she said.

According to Dmitrieva, you shouldn’t drink more than 3 liters a day unless you have excessive water loss from exercise or prolonged heat. “If you drink more than 3 liters a day and still feel thirsty, it may be a sign of a disease with pathologically increased water loss that warrants clinical evaluation.”

For this study, Dmitrieva and her colleagues tracked data on more than 11,200 adults who participated in atherosclerosis risk in community studies over a 30-year period. Participants were seen at two of her in her 50s, her last five visits between her 70s and her 90s.

To determine how hydrated they were, the researchers looked at salt levels in their blood and collected information on systolic blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. It showed how well our system, respiratory system, metabolic system, kidney system, and immune system worked.

Adults with higher-than-normal salt concentrations were more likely to have chronic diseases and advanced signs of biological aging than adults with moderate salt concentrations. sexuality has also increased.

Specifically, people with high salinity were 50% more likely to be biologically older than their chronological age and 21% more likely to die prematurely than those with low salinity. The researchers found that salt intake was also associated with a 64% increased risk of developing heart failure, stroke, atrial fibrillation, arterial disease, as well as lung disease, diabetes and dementia.

However, the study could not prove that hydration has all these benefits, only that they appear to be related, the researchers point out.

“Proper hydration supports many functions of the body, and drinking enough water over time can slow aging and support a long, healthy life.

Heller said it’s important to listen to your body and drink when you’re thirsty. “Aging is a natural process,” she added.

The report was published online in the journal on January 2 eBio Medicine.

For more information

Learn more about proper hydration here Nutrition.Government.

Source: Dr. Natalia Dmitrieva, Research Fellow, Institute for Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine, US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Samantha Heller, MS, RD, CDN, Senior Clinical Dietitian, NYU Langone Health, New York City. eBio Medicine, Online, January 2, 2023




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