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Lauren Meister gets recognition for her service as Mayor of West Hollywood

Lauren Meister gets recognition for her service as Mayor of West Hollywood
Lauren Meister gets recognition for her service as Mayor of West Hollywood


Outgoing West Hollywood Mayor, now Councilman Lauren Meister, received a Crystal Award and proclamation in recognition of her service as mayor from September 2021 to January 2023. She was honored at the annual reorganization meeting and installation of the West Hollywood City Council on Monday. , January 9, 2023.

“I want to thank outgoing Mayor Lauren Meister for her service and leadership as Mayor since September 2021,” said newly sworn in West Hollywood Mayor Sepi Shyne. “Thank you for guiding us through a difficult but resilient year as we strongly weathered another year of the pandemic and continued to meet the diverse needs of the community.”

The proclamation recognized council member Lauren Meister for being elected to the West Hollywood City Council on March 3, 2015. She was re-elected for two additional terms in 2019 and 2022. She served as mayor of the city for two terms, including most recent. term from September 2021 to January 2023.

During her tenure as mayor, Lauren Meister has focused on community housing, community safety, homelessness, water conservation, animal rights, business vitality, coverage and resilience, and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in preparation for the future, Mayor Meister proposed an initiative focused on community resilience, ensuring internal and external plans and policies were in place to support preparedness to emergencies and economic recovery for the community and businesses.

Under Mayor Meister’s leadership, the city continued to address homelessness through a collaborative approach among various Los Angeles County agencies and nonprofit service providers. She advocated for ways to meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations in the community and made community safety a priority.

During her tenure, she called for the evaluation of additional training for Sheriff’s Deputies in West Hollywood and initiated a Community Safety Town Hall to hear from the community on this vital quality of life issue. She initiated the expansion of the city’s block-by-block Safety Ambassador program to increase foot patrols and add kiosks in the community.

In light of the statewide drought conditions and climate change, Mayor Meister also encourages West Hollywood to continue to look to the future and evaluate actions and partnerships the city can pursue to conserve and reuse water and become more environmentally conscious, conserve resources and develop future projects with sustainability as a key priority.

Mayor Meister was re-elected to council in November 2022. She was sworn in at the regular meeting of the City of West Hollywood City Council on Monday, December 19, 2022. A resident of West Hollywood for more than 30 years, Meister was both tenant and owner in the city. His parents, sister, and rescue dogs, Suki and Sammy, also live in West Hollywood.




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