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Thyroid Awareness Month: Check Out These Symptoms And Don’t Eat These Foods – Endocrinologist Words | Health News

Thyroid Awareness Month: Check Out These Symptoms And Don’t Eat These Foods – Endocrinologist Words | Health News


The butterfly-shaped thyroid gland, located at the front of the neck that secretes thyroid hormones, plays a very important role throughout our lives. “Its importance really stems from the fact that it secretes thyroxine and is present in the developing fetus from 12 to 14 weeks,” says Dr. Kumar Jain. for growth and development.”

Thyroid Problems: Causes of Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism

The main functional disorders are known as hypothyroidism, meaning low levels of hormones, or hyperthyroidism, meaning increased levels of hormones present in the body. Illness occurs when the amount of hormones decreases or, for some reason, the amount of hormones in the body increases.

So what are the reasons that lead to an imbalance of thyroid hormones? Dr. Sachin Kumar Jain says, “Hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism has several causes. Autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s disease. , iodine deficiency, after thyroid surgery, or following various radiations. It is also autoimmune after overexposure.

Hypothyroidism: Symptoms to Watch Out For

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are varied. The most important symptoms, as Dr. Jain says, are:

  • Malaise
  • weakness
  • Cold resistance
  • general slowness or slowness of movement
  • slow or slurred
  • constipation
  • weight gain
  • hair loss,
  • coarsening of hair
  • anemia
  • difficulty breathing
  • high blood pressure
  • decreased exercise capacity
  • increased menstrual bleeding or frequent menses
  • Decreased fertility
  • Increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage in women
  • Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction in men
  • Decreased memory
  • can’t remember things
  • muscle pain

Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms to Watch Out for

Dr. Jain lists the symptoms of hyperthyroidism as follows:

  • Weight loss due to increased metabolism despite increased appetite
  • Shortness of breath, palpitations, tolerance to heat
  • excessive bowel movements or diarrhea
  • sweaty
  • anxiety
  • shudder
  • increased pigmentation
  • thinning hair
  • heart rhythm disorders, especially atrial fibrillation
  • Swelling in front of neck — it’s gout progression

Thyroid Problems: Foods to Avoid

So which foods and vegetables should you avoid?

Dr Jain mentions dos and don’ts when it comes to dieting for thyroid disease.

– If a person is taking a thyroid supplement dose and is taking it early in the morning, care should be taken not to consume caloric food for an hour to allow adequate absorption to occur. Whether it’s coffee, milk, or breakfast cereal, you should avoid it for at least an hour. That’s one important thing.
・On the contrary, do not take iron preparations, calcium preparations, etc. immediately after taking this medicine. Large amounts of iodine in food should also be avoided.
-When we talk about foods to avoid, we usually hear cauliflower, cabbage, ganto gobi, broccoli, spinach or salso, soybeans, or gluten. These are things that can interfere with substances that can interfere.
– If you are predisposed to developing thyroid disease, for example if you have family members with thyroid disease, you should avoid many of these.

“The further interpretation of this is that people with hypothyroidism, obese people, people who eat a lot of salads, etc., can keep eating and don’t worry if they can’t eat one thing or another. I want to interpret it,” says Dr. Jain.

Also Read: Thyroid Problems Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia: A Study

Thyroid Problems: Treatment

Hypothyroidism is treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy. “It depends on different conditions, especially the patient’s weight, and hormone replacement therapy should be given first thing in the morning. It’s the same hormone that the body produces and distributes. Treatment is usually lifelong.” , patients are monitored frequently and should be monitored alone two to three times a year in our setting,” says Dr. Jain.

Regarding the treatment of hyperthyroidism, Dr. Jain said that if it is Graves’ disease, treatment should be with antithyroid drugs and, again, the patient should be monitored frequently over a period of time, with doses adjusted according to circumstances. Depends on the medical condition. “Patients with Graves’ disease are treated with surgery and radioactive iodine. Some patients with hyperthyroidism due to subacute thyroiditis are treated with various other drugs, usually for several months. It gets better with time,” adds Dr. Jain.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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