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Eating fewer calories may help slow the aging process

Eating fewer calories may help slow the aging process


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Researchers say you can slow down the aging process by not only consuming fewer calories but eating healthier.Joner Images/Getty Images
  • Researchers say that reducing caloric intake appears to help slow the aging process, at least in healthy adults.
  • Experts say the findings are interesting, but more research is needed to determine if other factors are involved.
  • They say sticking to a healthy eating pattern, focusing on nutritious foods, and avoiding foods high in sugar can help you eat healthily.

Limiting calorie intake can help slow down aging processaccording to, study Published in a magazine today natural aging.

Researchers led by the Butler Columbia Center for Aging at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York used DNA analysis from blood samples to measure the rate of aging and reported that caloric restriction slows the aging process.

Participants included 220 healthy men and women from three different locations in the United States. Participants either continued their normal diet or reduced their calorie consumption by 25%.

Scientists tracked the participants’ diet and health for two years, taking blood samples at the beginning of the study and at 12 and 24 months.

Researchers have reported a delay in the aging process based on three DNA markers.

They said these results could provide a sense of what effects scientists could look for when completing trials of specific weight interventions. intermittent fasting.

“This study tells us that maintaining a lean body mass helps reduce molecular changes at the cellular level that occur in response to aging.” Dr. David SeltzerA physician at Delray Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Fla., who was not involved in the study. aging in stress and anxietynot only their diet.

“I agree that calorie restriction plays a role on a molecular level,” Seltzer told Healthline. exercise more likely to prolong life. ”

Researchers are now completing a follow-up study to see if calorie restriction has long-term effects. healthy aging.

“The results make sense to me,” he said. Dr. Raphael Kelman, Physician and Functional Medicine Physician at Kelman Wellness Center in New York City. “However, nutritional research is notoriously difficult to conduct, especially over the long term, as people naturally struggle to adhere to their diets.

“I think there are a few things to consider,” Kelman told Healthline. If the control group overeats or eats a lot of unhealthy food, and the calorie restriction group eats healthier, is the result due to calorie restriction or just eating a healthier diet is also positive? Will it affect me?”

“It’s also difficult to know if people are really following their diets unless their diets are strictly controlled and monitored,” Kellman added. If given, people live their lives, how can you be sure that you are sticking to a 25% restricted diet all the way considering how difficult it is for most people Does anyone really track portion size and calories with most normal meals? I think the study is valid, has some interesting results, and needs more research.”

Caroline ThomasonRD, a nutrition expert at the CDCES, offers some caveats about calorie-reduced diets.

“Short-term calorie restriction can be beneficial. Long-term calorie restriction is bad for you.” metabolismenergy level, and general well-being‘” she told Healthline. “For people who should not be calorie deficient intentionally or for too long, eating disorders, osteopenia again osteoporosis (specific to older people), underweight, and people trying to gain weight. ”

“In general, it’s imperative to focus on a variety of foods and a healthy balance before cutting back on calories,” adds Thomason. “Concentrate on the basics first. acquisition Eat a variety of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and healthy fats, and serve protein at each meal. Other healthy behaviors include getting enough sleep, being active regularly, and stress. includes managing the These factors are also important for healthy aging. ”

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services jointly Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Current guidelines suggest:

  • Follow healthy eating patterns.
  • Customize your meal based on your preferences, cultural traditions, and budget considerations.
  • focus on nutritious food and drinks. These provide vitamins and minerals without added sugar, saturated fat, and sodium.
  • Limit foods high in sugar, saturated fat, and salt, and limit alcoholic beverages.

“It’s best to eat low carb We increased protein to keep muscle strength and weight at ideal levels,” said Seltzer. that is important.”

Another option is intermittent fasting, Kellman noted.

“This is relatively easy to do and can help with weight loss. blood sugarthere are studies showing that it may provide other health benefits, such as supporting healthy aging.




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