American Heart Month: Understanding AFib
The American Heart Association (AHA) estimates that 3-6 million Americans have atrial fibrillation (AFib). As often as it is, people still don’t realize that AFib can cause life-threatening complications.In fact, according to the AHA, only 33% of AFib patients have AFib in serious conditions. I believe there is.
“Atrial fibrillation is a serious condition because it can weaken the heart muscle as well as make you feel sick with associated symptoms, and most importantly, it increases your risk of blood clots and stroke,” Statesville said. Cardiovascular cardiologist Deepak Joshi said. Clinic.
February is American Heart Month, making it an important time to learn more about this common but often misunderstood heart disease.
What is AFib?
AFib, also known as AF, is a heart condition in which the heart does not beat normally. It causes irregular, trembling, palpitations, and often very rapid heart rhythms. AFib can occur occasionally or always.
AFib itself is not fatal, but it can quickly lead to serious complications. This is a serious diagnosis and should not be taken lightly.
“Apart from potentially disabling symptoms, AFib can cause two major complications: it weakens the heart muscle, can lead to heart failure, and can increase the risk of blood clots and stroke.” I have.
How does AFib cause these complications?
A healthy person’s resting heart typically beats 60 to 100 times per minute. AFib can make your heart beat faster up to 100 to 175 times per minute. This occurs when the upper and lower chambers of the heart are out of coordination — they are out of sync. In atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers of the heart beat irregularly and It beats chaotically.
As an example, the AHA compares this heart contractile dysfunction to squeezing out a sponge. If you don’t squeeze the sponge well, water will remain on the sponge. Similarly, if the heart beats too fast or unevenly, blood is not completely pumped from the upper chambers of the heart to the lower chambers. This can cause blood to pool and clots to form.
If a blood clot breaks away from the heart, it can block blood flow to the brain and cause a stroke. About 15-20% of strokes are associated with his AFib.
Atrial fibrillation can also lead to heart failure because the heart does not fill properly with blood pumping to the rest of the body.
“The cause of atrial fibrillation is not well understood, but it appears that people were born with a heart defect that increases their chances of developing atrial fibrillation as they age,” said Joshi.
However, according to Joshi, you may be at increased risk for the condition if you:
- family history
- Age/old age
- uncontrolled high blood pressure
- excessive alcohol consumption
- caffeine overdose
- untreated sleep apnea
- excessive physical and mental fatigue
What are the symptoms of AFib?
“Patients usually feel a pounding heart and palpitations. Most people experience fatigue. Although rare, some people experience chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and dizziness,” says Joshi. .
But AFib can be difficult to identify because some people have no symptoms at all, according to Joshi.
If you have symptoms of atrial fibrillation, it’s important to see your doctor or call your healthcare provider right away.
How is AFib treated?
To determine if you have AFib, your healthcare provider may check your pulse, listen to your heart, and perform an electrocardiogram (EKG).
If atrial fibrillation is confirmed by a health care provider, early treatment is important to avoid complications and reduce the risk of stroke and heart failure.
Atrial fibrillation may be treated with medication, electric shocks, or a procedure called ablation, Joshi said.
If you have AFib, it’s important to follow your provider’s recommendations to manage your symptoms and reduce your risk of complications.
Joshi is a board-certified cardiologist practicing at the Stateville Cardiovascular Clinic at 738 Bryant Street, Statesville. For more information or to book an appointment with Dr. Deepak Joshi, please call us. 704-873-1189.
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