A simple blood test for telomere proteins could provide a valuable screen for certain cancers

Small telomeres at the tips of chromosomes, once thought to be unable to encode proteins due to simple monotonic repeats of DNA, hold powerful biological functions potentially relevant to our understanding of cancer and aging. It seems that.
report in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, UNC School of Medicine researchers Dr. Taghreed Al-Turki and Dr. Jack Griffith made the surprising discovery that telomeres contain the genetic information for making two small proteins. Cells from patients suffering from telomere-related defects.
Based on our research, we believe that a simple blood test for these proteins could provide valuable screening for certain cancers and other human diseases.Telomeres are known to shorten with age. Therefore, these tests are also indicators of telomere health. “
Dr. Jack Griffith, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Telomeres contain unique DNA sequences consisting of endless repeats of TTAGGG bases that somehow prevent chromosomes from sticking together. Twenty years ago, the Griffith Institute showed that the ends of telomere DNA loop on themselves to form small circles, thereby hiding the ends and blocking interchromosomal fusion. As cells divide, telomeres shorten and eventually the cells can no longer divide properly, leading to cell death.
Scientists first identified telomeres about 80 years ago, but their monotonic sequence established the established theory that telomeres cannot code for any protein, let alone proteins with strong biological functions. .
In 2011, a group in Florida working on hereditary ALS reported that the culprit was an RNA molecule containing a hexanucleotide repeat, and that a new mechanism could generate a string of toxic proteins in which two amino acids alternate. In their paper, Al-Turki and Griffith noted that this RNA is very similar to RNA generated from human telomeres, and hypothesized that the same novel mechanism might be at work. rice field.
They conducted an experiment – as described in PNAS Paper – To show how telomeric DNA can direct cells to make signaling proteins, they developed VR (valine-arginine) and GL (glycine-leucine). Signaling proteins are essentially chemicals that trigger chain reactions of other proteins in the cell, resulting in biological functions important to health and disease.
Al-Turki and Griffith next chemically synthesized VR and GL and investigated their properties using powerful electron and confocal microscopy and state-of-the-art biological techniques to show that VR proteins are part of the It was found to exist in large amounts in human cancer cells. Cells from patients suffering from diseases caused by defective telomeres.
Al-Turki, a postdoctoral fellow at the Griffith Institute, said: “We believe that inflammation can also trigger the production of these proteins.”
Griffith said: “If it goes against current thinking, it’s usually wrong, because you’re going against a lot of people who have worked hard in their respective fields. We were unable to summarize the observations from and that’s what we did: discovering that telomeres encode two new signaling proteins may help cancer, aging, and other cells It will change your understanding of how to communicate with
“Many questions remain unanswered, but our top priority now is to develop a simple blood test for these proteins that will tell us our biological age and It may also provide warnings of problems such as cancer and inflammation.”
Journal reference:
Al-Turki, T., and others. (2023) Mammalian telomeric RNA (TERRA) is translated to produce valine-arginine and glycine-leucine dipeptide repeat proteins. PNAS.
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