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Why exercise is as beneficial as drugs

Why exercise is as beneficial as drugs


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Experts say exercise can help reduce the anxiety associated with premature ejaculation.Josh Berry Walker/EyeEm/Getty Images
  • Researchers say that exercise such as running and yoga may be as effective as drugs to treat premature ejaculation.
  • They say exercise helps reduce anxiety that can be associated with symptoms.
  • Experts say a multi-pronged approach is the best way to treat this condition.

Going for a run can be a solution for some men who climax quickly during sex.

“[Premature ejaculation] It’s a common problem for penis owners. ” Dr. Lee Phillipsa psychotherapist and certified sex and couples therapist, told Healthline.

Treatment options are limited.

But new research shows that non-medical interventions like running five days a week or attending a yoga class can premature ejaculation.

In some cases, researchers report that such interventions are as effective as typical medication-based treatments for premature ejaculation. tricyclic antidepressants (TCA) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs).

The latter can cause a variety of unwanted side effects, including erectile dysfunction.

Psychotherapy, with or without medication, is also widely used to deal with premature ejaculation.

“Sex therapy is great because it addresses the performance anxiety that occurs when all medical concerns are ruled out,” Phillips told Healthline. Seeing “Normal” and working on breaking habits by challenging anxious thoughts and other physical exercises to relax the body through grounding and meditation. “

A multinational team of researchers led by Damiano Pizzolan Italy-based medical advisor, has conducted a literature review of 54 previously published studies on the treatment of premature ejaculation.

of reportOnly reported a single drug, a serotonin inhibitor, published in the journal Trends in Urology and Men’s Health Dapoxetineis approved in some countries for the treatment of premature ejaculation.

However, dapoxetine is not approved in the United States, and doctors often substitute off-label prescriptions for SSRI drugs instead. Lexapro and Zoloftcan reduce the anxiety associated with premature ejaculation.

Researchers report that previous studies have found a variety of nonmedical interventions that have shown promising results in treating premature ejaculation.

These include exercises aimed at toning the pubococcygeus muscle, which is known to be involved in ejaculation.

Researchers reported that moderate running for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week for 30 days, and participating in yoga were beneficial.

“These recent findings on the effectiveness of physical activity in addressing premature ejaculation are encouraging as they offer yet another option for addressing premature ejaculation.” Dr. James J. Ellisa urologist who specializes in penile straightening and enhancement surgery, told Healthline. [premature ejaculation]other lifetime [premature ejaculation]Some are due to stress, some are due to relationship issues, and some are due to physical health. “

“Given these different causes, it’s important to have different options available,” added Elist. “Whether it’s prescription options, anesthetic sprays, natural supplements like spousal endurance, or exercise, men recognize all the options available when dealing with frustrating problems like premature ejaculation. need to do it.”

Pizzol told Healthline the study points to the need for a multidisciplinary approach to treating premature ejaculation.

“Sex and sexuality are complex issues involving anatomical, systemic, organic, psychological and hormonal components, so an approach to sexual health should be holistic,” he said. “Given the relatively low efficacy of existing drugs, it is important to address this. [premature ejaculation] as a couple and [as a] multidimensional problem. “

For example, running may improve symptoms. [which are] It’s all about sexual function,” Pizzol said.

“Another interesting finding is the impact of yoga, highlighting the important role of mental state in sexual health,” he added.

Some studies suggest that treatment with erectile dysfunction drugs may have the added benefit of reducing the occurrence of premature ejaculation.

“One explanation is that erectile dysfunction leads to a habit of premature ejaculation that is difficult to break,” Phillips said. You may feel like you’ve reached an orgasm.”

like premature ejaculation erectile dysfunction Philipps said it is often rooted in performance anxiety and relationship issues. It can also be a symptom of another medical condition, such as type 2 diabetes.

However, Pizol urged caution.

“No single pill can cure any disease,” he said. “Given the multifactorial mechanism leading to [premature ejaculation], the approach should be global, considering all aspects and all appropriate and possible adjuvant interventions, while considering pharmacological treatments. “

Dr. Sarah, a sociologist and sexologist who is an expert in sexuality and relationships, told Healthline: [premature ejaculation] Treatment is practically conservative. “

“The problem underlying most studies evaluating patient outcomes is [premature ejaculation] It’s the difference between the statistical significance used to determine whether an intervention ‘worked’ and the couple’s actual needs,” she said. Statistically significant, partners are generally happy with the improvement, but 2-3 minutes is still not satisfactory for the majority.”

Melancon agreed that a multidisciplinary approach to premature ejaculation tends to be most effective.

“In my experience, combination therapy may include (if needed) SSRI medications. Mindfulness-style exercises to increase awareness of the patient’s body. , pelvic floor exercises to build somatosensory awareness of the pelvic area, ideally combined with the use of a masturbation sleeve. [and a therapeutic relationship with a trusted counselor or therapist to help guide the process, answer questions, share concerns, and work through fears, worries, or anxieties that most men with [premature ejaculation] Carry,” Melanson said.

“I always incorporate holistic practices into my work that look at the whole individual, not just the symptoms,” Phillips added. This includes allowing

“People feel more sexually confident when they feel mentally and physically healthy,” she said.




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