Researchers identify potential treatments to prevent severe COVID-19 in high-risk patients
Researchers at UVA Health have identified a potential treatment to prevent severe COVID-19 in high-risk patients.
New research by Jie Sun, PhD, and colleagues at UVA suggests ways to protect obese or diabetic patients from the runaway inflammation and dangerous blood sugar spikes that COVID-19 can cause. Such patients are at high risk for severe her COVID-19, and new treatment options are urgently needed as the effectiveness of existing her COVID treatments is diminished.
Our study uncovers metabolic pathways that simultaneously regulate inflammation, lung recovery, and host metabolic health in COVID-19 and, in combination with existing antiviral drugs, may be useful in patients with underlying metabolic diseases. It suggests viable therapeutics that may treat severe COVID-19. disease. Study spurs strong interest in clinical trials to prevent or treat severe viral infections, including COVID-19, in diabetic and/or obese patients using second-generation insulin sensitizers I hope you will. “
Jie Sun, PhD, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Health, UVA, and Carter Center for Immunology, UVA
Prevention of severe COVID-19
Sun’s approach aims to prevent severe COVID-19 by targeting the fuel carriers to mitochondria, the cell’s power plants. Sun and his team found that reducing the activity of this carrier protected obese laboratory mice from severe illness caused by influenza and COVID-19. It reduced inflammation and promoted metabolic health. It also prevented the harmful spikes in blood sugar levels associated with COVID-19 and accelerated lung recovery after COVID-19 and flu pneumonia.
The researchers noted that their approach had a “synergistic effect” with paxlovid’s antiviral component, nilmatrelvir, and “significantly” reduced mortality in mice. It suggests that the drug could be used to achieve similar results in human patients with COVID-19.
“We know that steroids are effective against severe COVID-19, but these drugs have side effects such as increased blood sugar levels, which makes their use in obese and diabetic patients more complicated,” he said. Study co-author Jeffrey Sturek, MD, PhD, UVA said. Pulmonary and critical care physician-scientist specializing in COVID-19 disease. “The really exciting part of this pathway is that it can treat both inflammation and altered glucose metabolism.”
To assess potential benefits in humans, scientists tested the approach using human lung tissue samples. They were pleased that the drug reduced cellular inflammation. This is a promising sign, but more testing will be needed.
Based on the results, Cirius Therapeutics, the maker of the insulin-sensitizing drug used by UVA scientists and scientists, is planning clinical trials to test the drug in human patients with COVID-19. , is developing drugs to treat liver damage in non-alcoholic patients. fatty liver diseaseThe drug works through a recently identified mechanism to reprogram mitochondrial metabolism and has an “excellent” safety profile, the researchers said in a scientific paper outlining their findings. I am pointing out.
That’s why UVA scientists hope their new research could make a real difference for people at high risk of severe COVID-19.
“Diabetes can increase the severity of COVID-19, and conversely, COVID-19 can lead to elevated blood sugar levels,” Sun said. It suggests that drugs can be used to disrupt the network of SARS-CoV-2 infection and hyperglycemia. [blood glucose rise] and hyperinflammation, all factors known to drive the pathophysiology of COVID-19. “
Publication of survey results
The researchers published their findings in the journal scientific immunologyThe team includes Bibo Zhu, Xiaoqin Wei, Harish Narasimhan, Wei Qian, Ruixuan Zhang, In Su Cheon, Yue Wu, Chaofan Li, Russell G. Jones, Mark H. Kaplan, Robert A. Vassallo, Thomas J. Bracace and Lindsay. It consisted of Somerville, Jerry R. Colca, Akhilesh Pandey, Patrick EH Jackson, Barbara J. Mann, Connie M. Krawczyk, Jeffrey M. Sturek, Sun. Sun He is a consultant for TeneoFour. A full list of author disclosures is included in the paper. UVA seeks patents for drug MSDC-0602K and combination use in severe treatment viral pneumonia.
Journal reference:
Zhu, B., and others. (2023) Inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate carriers simultaneously alleviates hyperinflammation and hyperglycemia in COVID-19. scientific immunology.
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