Childhood trauma leads to anger in adulthood
People with a history of depression or anxiety traumatic childhood more likely to be an angry adult, according to research on March 25, 2023 European Psychiatric Congress in Paris.
“Our most important finding was that childhood trauma in general was associated with all aspects of anger, both emotional and expressive, including dose-response relationships. The higher the , the more angry the adult is,” said the lead author. Nick de Bressea doctoral student at the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands.
The relationship between childhood trauma and anger makes a lot of sense and is consistent with what we know from previous research. Dr. Stephanie Hargrovea clinical psychologist at Duke Health in Durham, North Carolina, was not involved in the study.
“When someone experiences childhood trauma, it is often a situation in which they are disempowered or not allowed to voice what they feel or need to say. , you’ve likely been put in a painful or very wrong situation, and it’s appropriate to hold your anger in such a situation,” says Dr. Hargrove.
But anger shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing, she says. “It serves a purpose and can be used in effective ways. We see that when anger is suppressed or dismissed, it can ultimately turn into aggression or aggression towards others.” It’s important that people are able to process anger in a healthy way.”
Anger as an adult increases trauma
The investigator Dutch Studies on Depression and Anxietywas started in 2004 to investigate the course of depression and anxiety disorders over several years. The current study included approximately 2,300 participants aged 18 to 65, with an average of 42 and 66% women.
Previously, researchers had found that more than 40% of patients had both. anxiety and depression They were more prone to anger compared to about 5% of controls without depression or anxiety.
After a 4-hour baseline assessment, researchers followed up 4 times over 8 years to reveal a history of childhood trauma such as parental loss, parental divorce, or placement in foster care. They also asked participants about neglect and emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.
According to the authors, all types of childhood trauma, except sexual abuse, were associated with higher levels of anger in adulthood and a higher prevalence of angry attacks, independent of depression and anxiety. , and were associated with antisocial personality traits.
“We found that anxious and depressed people with a history of emotional neglect and physical or emotional abuse were 1.3 to 2 times more likely to have anger problems. We also found that the greater the traumatic experience in childhood, the greater the propensity toward adult anger,” de Bles said. press releaseShe added that the findings don’t prove trauma is the cause of anger, but the link is clear.
The findings showed that children who suffered from emotional neglect were more likely to be irritable and angry adults, while children who were physically abused were more likely to have angry attacks and antisocial personality traits. suggesting that it was strong. “Sexual abuse tended to lead to anger suppression, possibly because they were more sensitive to rejection, but this needs to be confirmed.
can i be angry a lot it depends on who is expressing it
“Of all emotions, anger carries stigma and connotation. In the United States, there are varying levels of receptiveness to who can express anger and under what circumstances,” Hargrove says. .
For example, when a man expresses anger at a competitor who has adopted his business idea, or when a politician gets angry about something they think is wrong within the political system, it is usually supported, or at least accepted by, she says.
But expressions of anger aren’t considered acceptable by all groups of people, she says.
“For example, there is the insidious ‘angry black woman’ stereotype that characterizes black women as generally angry and irrational. As a result, when black women express appropriate anger at injustice or wrong, they are judged more harshly or dismissed more easily for having these legitimate feelings compared to white women.” says Hargrove.
Women in general are often socialized to believe that anger is inappropriate or unladylike, she says. “So a woman may not feel free to express her emotions, especially her anger,” she says.
Yes, there is such a thing as “healthy anger”
Anger can definitely be healthy and appropriate in some situations, says Hargrove. “Anger, meaning ‘bad’ or ‘good’, is no different from other emotions such as sadness, fear, and happiness. All emotions are useful and serve different functions,” she says.
Anger can be due to injustice, a power grab, hurt, or pain, and when it happens, it’s an important signal to pay attention to, she says. Sometimes it’s a secondary emotion, not a primary one,” says Hargrove.
So, she explains, there may be an emotion at the heart of the actual experience that someone can cover up their anger. , which may manifest as resentment against former colleagues who are still employed.”
Anger can be associated with disorders such as: PTSD, depression, anxiety, she says. “You may not know exactly where it’s coming from, which is why seeing a therapist can help. Professionals understand both the anger response and the underlying causes behind it.” , can help us recommend appropriate treatments,” says Hargrove.
Storing Anger Can Be Harmful
“Controlling anger comes at a price. It’s not a profitable strategy in the long run,” says Hargrove. It may help avoid conflict in the short term, but unexpressed emotions can build up, she says.
In some cases, Hargrove says, they can “explode” with a level of anger that is disproportionate to the actual situation. “That’s not what we want,” she adds.
For others, anger “can erode you from the inside out,” she says. Anger can lead to depression and other disorders,” she says.
Processing and Reflecting When You Feel Anger Can Lead to Positive Change
When anger builds up, Hargrove suggests checking in with yourself instead of brushing it aside. One way she puts it into practice, she says, is by keeping a journal.
“Write down what you are feeling and why. Remember what you have, it gives you the power to make changes and deal with issues that need to be addressed,” she says.
For example, if a workplace issue fuels your anger, write down your thoughts and make a plan to meet with upper management when you get a chance to reflect, says Hargrove. “Use your anger to defend yourself and others.”
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“If someone with a history of trauma begins to realize they have a lot of anger, dealing with the trauma with a professional is a good place to start. , it will go away with proper treatment,” she says.
Hargrove says there are evidence-based treatments that may help people experiencing anger related to childhood trauma.Cognitive processing therapy and long-term exposure therapy has been shown to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of People with PTSD,” she says.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy and emotion-focused therapies can also help understand and manage anger, says Hargrove.
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