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Ahsoka: Grand Admiral Thrawn Live Actor Confirmed To Be Star Wars Rebels’ Lars Mikkelsen

Ahsoka: Grand Admiral Thrawn Live Actor Confirmed To Be Star Wars Rebels’ Lars Mikkelsen
Ahsoka: Grand Admiral Thrawn Live Actor Confirmed To Be Star Wars Rebels’ Lars Mikkelsen


Lucasfilm has finally revealed that Lars Mikkelsen will play the live-action version of Grand Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars: Ahsoka, the same actor who voiced the villain in Star Wars Rebels.

Thrawn’s arrival in live-action is something fans have been waiting a very long time for, and Star Wars Celebration 2023 has finally given them the answer as to who will bring the villain to life.

Lars Mikkelsen Image credit: Star Wars Twitter

Lars Mikkelsen Image credit: Star Wars Twitter

The search for Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger will be a big part of Ahsoka and will continue the story that was part of the Star Wars Rebels finale. In the series, the last time we saw the pair was when the purrgil (space whales that can travel through hyperspace!) grabbed Thrawn’s ship and took it away. Ezra stayed with Thrawn to make sure he was defeated for good. Unfortunately, it looks like he’s about to return.

In Ahsoka’s trailer, we got a glimpse of Grand Admiral Thrawn’s rear and even got a nod to Heir of the Empire, which was the first novel to feature the character in 1991. Thrawn is known for have one of the greatest tactical minds. across the galaxy and could be the key to bringing back the Empire (or the First Order?). Or could there be more at stake? Only time will tell.

Ahsoka is really gearing up to be a full-fledged Star Wars Rebels reunion, as Thrawn will be joined by Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Chopper, and who knows who else at this point. We already got our first look at Zeb’s live action in The Mandalorian, so he could very well make a return to the series as well.

Fans won’t have to wait too long to find out these answers and more, as Ahsoka is set to premiere on Disney+ in August 2023.

For more, check out Ahsoka actress Rosario Dawson’s tease on Thrawn’s return, how Ahsoka’s cast brings their beloved Rebels characters to life, and our full interview with Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. about Ahsoka, their new Star Wars movie, and more.

Any advice to give us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an e-mail to [email protected].

Adam Bankhurst is a reporter for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Tic.




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