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Hollywood uses student-athletes on a large scale for film promotion

Hollywood uses student-athletes on a large scale for film promotion
Hollywood uses student-athletes on a large scale for film promotion


The headlines are often dominated by NIL deals offered to individual student-athletes, but the NIL agency after game takes a different approach and pitches athletes to large-scale businesses to promote things like Hollywood movie releases.

In March, more than 1,000 college and high school student athletes shared content promoting Woody Harrelson’s latest comedy, Champions, under a NIL sponsored deal. The campaign included five screenings for athletes through a partnership with Hollywood production company Focus Features.

“The Champions event provided a unique opportunity for student-athletes to participate in the promotion of a great Hollywood film,” said Postgames Director of Athlete Relations Aaron Hackett. This was their first NIL opportunity. Postgame was able to coordinate five different film screenings across the country with over 150 attendees. Postgame helped student-athletes capture professional drone video to help build their personal brands. .

This is one of NIL’s largest campaigns to date in terms of over 1,000 athletes involved generating nearly 2 million impressions. Postgame says Instagram Reels produced the best engagement.

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Athletes who saw the best results (as of March 20) included:

Hercy MillerLouisville MBB, 143K subscribers

  • 2,400 likes, 59 comments, 39k views

Cam’ron FletcherFSU MBB, 13ok subscribers

  • 2,399 likes, 19 comments, 27,200 views

Ariana GonzalezUSCB T&F, 137k subscribers

  • 2,654 likes, 42 comments, 33,000 views

Thank you MillerSherman Oaks Notre Dame MBB (HS) 128k subscribers

  • 3000 likes, 40 comments, 46k views

Kasey KidwellAPSU WBB, 127k Subscribers

  • 4,769 likes, 56 comments, 52,200 views

Jeremy RoachDuke MBB, 60k Subscribers

Rachel RobertsonMiami T&F, 84K Subscribers

  • 115 likes, 5 comments. 8,939 views

Nimari BurnetAlabama MBB, 54k subscribers

  • 2,529 likes, 37 comments, 16,200 views

Pete NanceUNC basketball, 22,000 subscribers

“The event was great because the student-athletes promoted a film that shows how sport goes beyond winning and losing,” Hackett said. impact that sport can have in different ways.”

Champions is described as the hilarious and heartwarming story of a former minor league basketball coach who, after a series of missteps, is ordered by the court to manage a team of players with intellectual disabilities. He soon realizes that despite his doubts, together this team can go further than they ever imagined.

The student-athletes who promoted the film were compensated with both base pay and additional monies earned through affiliate commission.




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