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World Malaria Day: April 25, 2023

World Malaria Day: April 25, 2023


On April 25, 2023, the Doherty Institute approves World Malaria Day. This day is a day to raise awareness and acknowledge global efforts to control and combat this disease.

The Doherty Institute has several research teams working on malaria. The infection is caused by a single-celled parasite that is transmitted by mosquito bites, invades liver cells, and replicates in millions within red blood cells. Despite malaria incidence stabilizing during the COVID-19 pandemic, there will still be 247 million cases in 2021 and a tragic 619,000 deaths, mostly among children. was.

2022the World Health Organization (WHO) shared the good news that the world’s first malaria vaccine has been deployed in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi, but also said:There is an urgent need to increase investment in new malaria tools […]

Researchers at the Doherty Institute continue to work at the forefront of malaria research. Below is a snapshot of our work over the past three years.

  • Antibodies can protect us from malaria. But not all antibodies are the same. Professor Steven Rogerson co-led the study There, a broad ‘systems serology’ screen was performed to identify the malaria proteins targeted by the antibodies. They found seven antibodies associated with protecting pregnant women from placental malaria, a leading cause of poor pregnancy outcomes.
  • Professor Bill Heath FAA and senior staff, Dr. Lynette Beatty and Dr. Daniel Fernandez Ruiz By targeting parasites in liver cells before they cause symptoms, we are innovating new methods of vaccination against malaria. Led by Professor Heath the study In collaboration with Prof. Painter (Ferrier Institute, NZ) and Prof. Hermans (Malaghan Institute, NZ), we describe a new vaccine capable of generating very long-lived protective immune cells in the liver.
  • Dr. Beatty lead the study Administration of dead malaria parasites along with drugs that stimulate rare immune cells called natural killer T cells has been shown to help generate liver immunity.

red blood cells infected with malaria

red blood cells infected with malaria

  • Vaccines often contain fragments that resemble parts of the microbes they are intended to protect against. Dr. Fernandez Ruiz Identified A novel protein fragment from Plasmodium that can be incorporated into next-generation malaria vaccines.
  • Plasmodium strains can spread across continents, making malaria more difficult to eradicate. Professor Karen Day AM led International cooperation Create a database of approx. His 40,000 small variations of her DNA sequence for the malaria parasite allow scientists to more accurately track the movement of the parasite around the world.
  • The development of new antimalarial therapies is an important goal. Professor James McCarthy Pioneered a safe method to test antimalarial drugs in human volunteers ly infected with the malaria parasite.This year, with Associate Professor Barber and Professor McCarthy of the QIMR Berghofer Institute, tested Lower doses of the antimalarial drug tafenoquine could make it more widely available to all patients.

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a single-celled parasite that is transmitted by mosquito bites.

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by a single-celled parasite that is transmitted by mosquito bites.

  • Only certain forms of the malaria parasite are able to infect mosquitoes and complete their life cycle. Dr. Michael Duffy was useful for definition Alterations in the packaging of parasite DNA that control development of these infectious forms of the parasite. This information can be used to develop drugs that block the transmission of the parasite from person to person.
  • Understanding how new antimalarial drugs work in the body can help determine how best to combine them to treat patients. Associate Professor Ashraful HaqueProfessor Davenport and Dr Khoury (Kirby Institute, Sydney) found The two drugs, a new drug called SJ733 and the established pyronalidine, are similar in their ability to control parasites but did so with very different mechanisms of action.




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