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Rabies-infected bat found in Woodstock home – Shaw Local

Rabies-infected bat found in Woodstock home – Shaw Local


A bat was found on Wednesday woodstock A rabies test at home gave a positive reaction McHenry County Health Department said in a news release on Monday.

According to the ministry, family members will be “immediately contacted” to determine if they are at risk of exposure, an investigation will determine that they are at risk of exposure, and post-exposure precautions will be recommended for the household. It is said that it was done.

Rabies is a fatal disease caused by a virus that attacks the central nervous system and can only be confirmed through laboratory tests. To prevent rabies infection, it can be treated with human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) and rabies vaccine for 14 days.

Rabies was also found in one other animal in the state this year. Bats in Peoria County, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. Last year, 61 animals (all bats) tested positive for rabies in 22 counties.

Men in their 80s in Spring Grove, 2021 Man dies of rabies after being bitten by bat while sleeping at home, Illinois Department of Public Health the Lake County Health Department said at the time. Authorities said the man was offered rabies treatment but refused.

Health officials said the case was the first rabies case in Illinois since 1954.

In Illinois, bats are the primary vector for rabies.

The McHenry County Health Department advised Monday that the best way to avoid rabies is to avoid exposure as the weather warms and bats become more active.

Bats that are active during the daytime and are found in places where bats are not usually seen, such as inside a house, or that cannot fly, may have rabies. The county health department said children should also be educated not to touch wild animals.

If bats are found in or around your home, Veterinary Public Health Director Mariellen Howell recommends using a shovel or plastic bag to avoid direct contact with the bats.

If a live bat is found indoors, the door will be closed and a towel will be placed on the floor to keep it inside, according to a health department release. If a bat is found in a major residential area and a person or pet is exposed, place an upside-down bucket over the bat if possible.

In either case, call the McHenry County Animal Control Department immediately at 815-459-6222. To test for rabies in bats, it is important that the bats are in good condition (eg, have an intact head) and that they are alive or recently dead.

McHenry County Residents who have come into contact with bats in their homes, or who have been in the same room as bats while sleeping should also contact animal control and their doctor.

The McHenry County Health Department recommends the following tips to prevent exposure to rabies bats inside and outside your home.

  • Make sure doors, windows, and vents are securely screened and free of holes, chimneys are covered, and gaps around utility wires are blocked.
  • Do not touch, feed, or unintentionally attract wildlife with open trash cans or trash.
  • Do not adopt or bring wild animals into your home. Do not try to nurse a sick wild animal to health. Call animal control for help.

“People need to take a hands-off approach to reducing their exposure to all wildlife, especially bats,” Howell said. “Bats can also enter tight spaces, so making your home bat-proof and replacing loose or perforated screens are additional defenses to prevent exposure inside your home. It becomes a line.”




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