Heart Health or Cancer Risk? Meet the Jekyll and Hyde of Nutrition — ScienceDaily
Despite the significant expansion of our understanding of nutrition these days, some aspects of our diet, like nitrates, continue to confuse experts and divide opinion.
Nitrates have long been watched with caution, and previous studies have shown that they may be potentially associated with cancer development.
However, subsequent research has revealed that dietary nitrates have a range of cardiovascular health benefits and may help reduce the risk of related conditions such as heart disease, dementia and diabetes. .
So why does one food ingredient pose such contrasting potential risks and benefits?
The Institute for Nutrition and Health Innovations at Edith Cowan University (ECU) wants to understand how and why to nitrate these contrasting potential risks and benefits.
all about sauce
Catherine Bondonno, Ph.D., who has led an investigation into nitrate research, says the key may lie in where the nitrates come from.
“We get our nitrates from three main dietary sources: meat, water and vegetables,” she said.
“Nitrates’ reputation as a health hazard dates back to 1970, when two studies showed that they could form highly carcinogenic N-nitrosamines in laboratory animals.
“However, human studies have not confirmed its potential hazards, and our clinical and observational studies support that vegetable nitrates protect against cardiovascular disease.
“So this review was intended to uncover all of that and identify new advances and ways to solve this puzzle, because after 50 years, it’s time to address this very issue. ”
need urgency
Despite recent research showing that sources of nitrates can affect health benefits and risks, current dietary guidelines for nitrates have been in place since the 1970s and include meat, vegetables and water. does not distinguish between nitrates from
Dr. Bondonno said that while animal studies in the 1970s reported a small incidence of malignant tumors, there was evidence that not all nitrates deserve “the same brush of tar.”
“For example, unlike meat- and water-derived nitrates, nitrate-rich vegetables contain high levels of vitamin C and polyphenols that can inhibit the formation of harmful nitrates. N.-Nitrosamines have been linked to cancer,” she said.
Dr. Bondonno said it was important to conduct more research so that the guidelines could be updated.
“If the public is concerned about the link between nitrate intake and cancer, it is unlikely that the public will heed the message of increasing intake of nitrate-rich vegetables.”
However, she stressed that while the official guidelines have not changed, many people are potentially putting themselves at risk due to the obvious benefits of nitrates.
“We need to make sure that eating more nitrate-rich vegetables doesn’t actually increase your cancer risk,” she says.
“High-dose nitrate supplements are already used to improve physical performance in sports, but plant-based nitrate extracts are added to ‘clean label’ cured meat products, purporting to be good for health. It has been.
“So we really need to get this right.”
What do you eat?
Dr Bondonno said it’s natural for people to be confused about whether nitrates are good or bad, given that experts in the field are divided.
“They’re probably thinking, ‘If I can’t eat a salad, what can I eat?'” she says.
Despite the debate, she said current evidence suggests people should aim to get their nitrates from vegetables, but there’s no need to overdo it.
“Dark green leafy vegetables and beets are good sources. Our research shows that 1 cup of raw vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables per day is beneficial for cardiovascular health. I know something,” she said.
“We know processed meat is bad for us and we should limit our intake, but we don’t know if the nitrates in processed meat are causing the problem or if something else is causing the problem. yeah.
“This paper only further emphasizes the need to investigate dietary nitrates to clarify the message for people.
“The association with the likelihood of cancer was noted 50 years ago, but now is the time to conduct a detailed analysis to separate fact from fiction.”
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