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exercise to prevent cerebral hemorrhage

exercise to prevent cerebral hemorrhage


Newswise — A recent study conducted by the University of Gothenburg found that regular physical activity and exercise may reduce bleeding in people with intracerebral hemorrhage. This type of cerebral hemorrhage can have serious consequences, and researchers emphasize the importance of physical activity in protecting the brain. Regular physical activity is thought to have a protective effect, which is an important factor in maintaining brain health and preventing complications associated with intracerebral hemorrhage. This study highlights the potential benefits of incorporating physical activity into management and prevention strategies for this condition.

Research published in journals stroke and vascular neurology, We analyzed data from 686 people treated for intracerebral hemorrhage at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg between 2014 and 2019.

The results of this retrospective study show a clear association between regular physical activity and minor bleeding in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. However, it is important to note that the study design did not allow the establishment of causality. Although the findings show that people who report regular physical activity bleed less than those who are inactive, a fuller understanding of the underlying mechanisms may lead to more causal relationships. Further research is needed to establish Nonetheless, this study provides valuable insight into the potential benefits of regular physical activity in reducing bleeding severity in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage.

Physically active was defined as engaging in light physical activity such as walking, cycling, swimming, gardening, and dancing for at least 4 hours per week.

50% less bleeding

The lead author of the study is Adam Viktorisson, a PhD student in Clinical Neuroscience at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg. He is also a general practice physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Adam Victorison’s expertise in both clinical neuroscience and general practice provided valuable insight into the study and is credited with contributing to study design, analysis and interpretation of results. His dual role as a researcher and practicing physician allows him to gain a comprehensive understanding of the clinical implications of research findings.

A study led by Adam Victorison found that, on average, those who engaged in regular physical activity had 50 percent less bleeding on arrival at the hospital. Although similar associations have been observed in animal studies, this finding is particularly noteworthy because this is the first time this association has been demonstrated in humans. This result suggests that regular physical activity may have a positive impact on reducing hemorrhage size in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage.

People who arrive at the hospital with suspected intracerebral hemorrhage usually have a computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain to confirm the diagnosis. The severity of the bleeding determines the course of treatment, and in some cases neurosurgery may be required. However, for the majority of patients, nonsurgical approaches and medications are employed to manage symptoms and support the recovery process. These nonsurgical measures include closely monitoring the patient, administering drugs to control blood pressure and prevent further bleeding, and providing supportive care to manage associated symptoms and complications. increase. Treatment approaches are tailored to each individual’s specific condition and needs.

Intracerebral hemorrhage is the most dangerous type of stroke and can cause life-threatening conditions. The risk of serious bleeding consequences increases with the extent of bleeding.

Massive intracerebral hemorrhages can pose a risk of increased intracranial pressure, said Thomas Skoglund, an associate professor of neurosurgery at the University of Gothenburg and a neurosurgeon at the university hospital. This increased pressure within the skull has serious consequences and can lead to fatal consequences. Managing and reducing the increased intracranial pressure is important in the treatment of such cases. This paper emphasizes the critical importance of prompt medical intervention and appropriate neurosurgical intervention to reduce the risks associated with massive intracerebral hemorrhage. Thomas Skoglund’s neurosurgical expertise provides valuable insight into this study and highlights the importance of effective management strategies for these critical situations.

Better understanding of intracerebral hemorrhage

The results of this study showed that the beneficial effects of regular physical activity in reducing bleeding were observed regardless of location within the cerebrum (the main part of the brain). This is because physically active people bleed less not only in deep brain regions commonly associated with high blood pressure, but also in superficial brain regions associated with age-related conditions such as dementia. means These results suggest that regular physical activity may have broad protective effects in reducing bleeding across different regions of the brain, regardless of the specific underlying mechanisms involved. .

The study, conducted by Katharina Stibrand-Snahagen, Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Gothenburg and Senior Consultant Physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, provides a foundation for further research in the area of ​​intracerebral hemorrhage and physical activity. It is. Study supervisor Professor Snahhagen’s expertise in rehabilitation medicine provides valuable insight into understanding the potential benefits of physical activity in the management and prevention of intracerebral hemorrhage. The results of this study pave the way for future research to delve deeper into the relationship between physical activity and brain health, ultimately contributing to the development of effective strategies for the prevention and treatment of intracerebral hemorrhages. .

“We hope that our findings will contribute to a better understanding of intracerebral hemorrhage and help develop more effective preventative measures,” she concludes.




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