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Pain Management Tips for Sports Athletes | Health

Pain Management Tips for Sports Athletes | Health


synonymous with pain sports And a common complaint is athlete because it is often associated with sports injuries where pain And injuries both hinder peak performance. When an injured athlete receives treatment, the primary goal is to return to practice or tournaments as soon as possible.

Pain Management Tips for Sports Athletes (Photo credit: singrely Media on Unsplash)
Pain Management Tips for Sports Athletes (Photo credit: singrely Media on Unsplash)

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Smruti Bhonsle, Consultant Anesthesia and Pain Management Specialist at Nexus Day Surgery Center said: Lacerations, shin splints, stress fractures, ankle ligament injuries. For athletes to train and compete at peak performance levels, they need to manage pain efficiently and effectively and build up their training in ways that allow them to remain competitive. “

Athlete Pain Management

Pain management is a critical issue for athletes who train and compete at peak performance levels. “Pain management should be based not only on the anatomical injury, but also on the physiological and psychosocial effects of pain on the individual, to ensure optimal recovery and return to play,” said Dr. Sumurti Boonslu. We should focus on delivering,” he advised.

Talking about immediate pain management such as RICE and splints, she said: “If you experience pain after exercise, your treatment for pain is ‘RICE’ with rest, cold compresses, elevation, and reduced exercise time. Pain after exercise or sports means something is wrong. Either the warm-up and stretching leading up to the sport are inadequate, or the training received for that particular exercise should be changed. Icing is an effective way to treat sore spots. Icing is important for first aid after an injury. After exercise, let her use an ice pack or ice massage for 20 minutes. The traditional method of ice for up to 5 days followed by heat is fine for minor injuries. I think ice is on your side, but if the discomfort persists after using ice, you should see a doctor as there may be more serious concerns. “

what next?

“If an athlete has to play after a minor injury, additional methods such as massage, analgesic sprays, taping, braces, local injections, trigger point release and dry needles can be used to manage pain,” said Dr. Sumurti Boonslu. emphasized.

conditioning to avoid pain

According to Dr. Sumurti Boonslu, “For a competitive athlete, the body needs to be in sport-ready condition through proper training, proper nutrition, hydration and electrolyte balance. It’s very important to do some stretching, it’s important to maintain your aerobic capacity and stamina while resting a part of your body, some workouts won’t cause discomfort, for example if your knee hurts It is okay to continue doing upper extremity exercise, and lower extremity exercise that does not exacerbate symptoms, such as swimming or aqua jogging.” She suggested:

  • warm down – To avoid post-exercise soreness, you should warm up by moving your joints and limbs through activities such as swimming or cycling. A variety of exercises such as stretching, range of motion, strengthening and proprioception usually play a role, all of which must be incorporated to properly condition and avoid pain.
  • Over-the-counter drugs – Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs provide immediate relief, but should generally be avoided. These drugs can cause kidney and liver problems, so always follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • Non-pharmacological pain management – This should be considered in the early stages of pain and is very important in post-acute pain management. These include mindfulness therapies for pain, and relaxation techniques such as yoga and tai chi. Optimizing sleep and nutrition is also important.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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