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How-to guides for masked Melvanians


So here is a mask guide, here are some tips on how to wear your hair from the best fabrics to make it and avoid “ear strain”, and how to prevent your glasses from fog ..

Who should wear a mask?

All Victorian people in the lockdown area, namely all Shire in Melbourne and Mitchell, are required to wear masks publicly when social distance is difficult. The request is aimed specifically at users of these areas on public transport and shops.

So far, authorities say that children do not need to wear masks-and they are a choking hazard for children under the age of two.

Are you wearing a mask properly?

The most important part of wearing a mask properly is to ensure that the face fits snugly while ensuring that the mask covers both your mouth and nose.

The main purpose of face masks is to prevent the spread of the virus via aerosol, even in the presence of subclinical COVID-19, says Andrew Orfanos, chairman of the Australian Institute of Occupational Health.

Unfortunately, beards and important facial hair can interfere with the effectiveness of the mask, so it is best to shave facial hair that does not fit properly under the mask.

Which style and fabric is best?

DHHS recommends wearing either a reusable cloth mask or a disposable surgical mask to provide adequate protection.

Fabric masks can be made at home and require 3 layers of breathable fabric to ensure proper protection. The style of the cloth mask is fine as long as it has three layers and covers the mouth and nose.

Other types of masks such as P2 and N95 are not recommended. The government is trying to secure a supply for health professionals. Scarves and bandanas also do not provide adequate protection and are not recommended.

You can also wear a reusable or disposable face shield if properly designed to cover the sides of your face and under your chin.

How can I prevent my glasses from clouding?

Foggy glasses are a permanent problem that can occur when you wear a mask, but you can solve it in a few simple ways, such as fixing the mask under the glass. It can be taped if needed.

You can also fold a tissue over the top of the mask to absorb warm air and the moisture that causes cloudiness, or you can spray a glass with a mixture of 50% water and 50% shampoo.

Finally, you can put a small amount of dishwashing liquid on a microfiber cloth and spread it on a glass. Watch this video to see a demo of these techniques.

How many times can I wear a reusable mask between laundry?

The mask should be washed daily after use. Also, if the mask is visibly wet or dirty during the day, it is advisable to carry a spare with you as it will need to be replaced and washed.

Also, if you have periods when you don’t need to wear your mask, and you need to wear your mask again, don’t reuse the same mask early in the day. This means, for example, that if you use public transport to work, you will need to have a separate mask for each trip.

If the mask is frayed or punctured, it’s time to get a new one.

You may need to replace the mask if it keeps falling, slips off, or if you need to readjust it all the time.

How do you disinfect a mask?

It is important to wash your hands before and after touching the mask. Store used cloth masks in a ziplock bag.

The reusable cloth mask can be machine washed in the warmest setting suitable for the material With other clothes or by hand.

How can I be more comfortable?

Wearing mask earloops on a regular basis can be very uncomfortable. This is because many experts who wear it regularly explain.

Both fabric masks and surgical masks often fit all in one size. This can make it difficult for people with small heads to keep the mask from slipping off.

If your hair is long enough, style it as a hi-pan or pigtail bang to secure the loop to your hair so it doesn’t strain your ears.

If not, there are some solutions. The simplest method uses a paper clip and two elastic bands to secure the loop to the back of the head, but any object that can be used to secure the loop behind the head will work.

Some people say that you can even sew a button to a headband or cap to make a hook for a loop.

How do you make a mask?

The most important things you need are water resistant fabrics (polyester/polypropylene) for the outer layer, fabric blends for the middle layer (cotton polyester blend/polypropylene), and water absorbent layers for the inner layer (cotton). Layers for earloops and elastic strips or strips of cloth. A sewing kit is also useful. Used clothes, sports clothes and shopping bags made of cloth can also be used as materials.

Finally, here are some simple tips to help you wear a mask

please try

  • Wear reusable cloth masks, disposable surgical masks, or face shields when in public areas.
  • Be sure to carry a spare mask
  • Make sure the mask covers both the nose and mouth
  • Shave facial hair that does not fit under the mask
  • Maintain a social distance of 1.5 meters as much as possible
  • Wash reusable masks after each use
  • Replace the mask if it becomes frayed or dirty

Try not to

  • Touch your face while wearing a mask without first disinfecting your hands
  • Remove face mask and talk to people
  • Wear scarves and bandanas instead of masks
  • Reuse the surgical mask

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