Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Texas.New research shows it can affect brain health
new study We analyzed surveys of more than 30,000 people between 1971 and 2019.
The data show that more than 1,000 patients who had a heart attack during the study experienced a small but accelerated decline in cognitive function (not Alzheimer’s disease or dementia) compared to those who did not have a heart attack. It turned out to be progressing.
The researchers can’t explain the connection, but Dr. Carl Horton, a cardiologist at Texas Health Cleburne and the Texas Health Physicians Group, told KERA’s Sam Baker about some possibilities. Told.
Inflammation of arteries and blood vessels increases the risk of plaque and narrowing within the arteries. And from them there is a risk of carrying antibodies of immune mediators that can affect blood vessels. And some of it is thought to contribute to long-term cerebral hyperperfusion.
congestive heart failure
In addition, congestive heart failure may develop after a myocardial infarction. There may also be a risk of arrhythmia. It can also cause severe hypotension or hypotension in people with severe congestive heart failure, which can also affect the brain.
Some drugs cross the blood-brain barrier and can affect cognitive function. Some patients may have microstrokes without realizing it, which can affect cognitive function.
So if you have these diseases in addition to coronary artery disease, you really need to turn your radar up and realize that your patients may be affected by this disease in the future.
One possible explanation could also be post-heart attack depression.
I think patients feel invincible before their first event. They feel that they will never hurt themselves or anything will happen to them. Then, after a big event, it takes a heavy toll on the psyche, and for the first time, they use their own mortality rate as a standard.
So is this what you or any other cardiologist talks to a patient after having a heart attack?
Well, I certainly talk about possible depression after major bypass surgery. Because clinical depression is real, patients are encouraged to seek treatment and therapy as needed.
What do we get out of all this? What steps should we take to avoid the risk of cognitive decline caused by a heart attack?
We want to focus on the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. This is expected to improve cognitive function with aging. It is true that not all age-related cognitive decline can be prevented, but most people do experience cognitive decline as they age. But I don’t want it to accelerate or happen earlier than otherwise.
I think the second point for practicing physicians and clinicians is to be mindful of these things, be aware of them, and try to diagnose them early if possible.
Some of the mild symptoms we see can be difficult to diagnose. A more specific neurological examination is required. But certainly, if we hear from the family that the patient is having more difficulty than before, they should be referred to the family.
This is by no means a new topic. Researchers have long studied this possibility.
correct. And of course, as the population ages, this issue will receive more attention in the future. A lot more research is being done on patients with cognitive decline and dementia, and I think it will be a topic of further research in the future.
Study reveals accelerated cognitive decline after heart attack
Study finds that heart attacks can accelerate cognitive decline
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