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Eighty-five infants tested positive for COVID-19 in a county in Texas


The County Health Director said Friday that a total of 85 babies tested positive for COVID-19 in Nueses County, Texas.

With COVID-19 Public Health Update Corpus Christi Government Social Media PageAs of July 17, more than 80 infants in the county were positive for the new coronavirus, said Annette Rodriguez, director of public health at Nueses County.

“Now there are 85 babies under the age of 1 in Nuesses County, all with positive COVID-19 tests,” Rodriguez said during the live show. According to the county news release, this number reflects when testing began in mid-March.

Relation: Can a pregnant woman spread the coronavirus to her fetus?

“Help us prevent the spread of this disease,” Rodriguez said. Keep protected and wear a mask in public areas. And for everyone else, do your best to stay home. “

Also during Friday’s update, Corpus Christi Mayor Peter Zazoni announced last week that the average number of new COVID-19 confirmed cases per day in the county exceeded just over 350.

Mr. Zazoni stressed that Nuesses County is one of the fastest growing COVID-19 prevalence rates in the state.

As of Saturday, a total of 8,407 COVID-19 cases were confirmed, eight new deaths were reported in Nueses County, bringing the total number of COVID-19 deaths to 90. According to the county health department.

The news of 85 infected babies follows the scientists’ uncertainties report on the impact of COVID-19 in children earlier this week.

Despite the Trump administration’s position that science is clear, the evidence supporting what children play in a coronavirus pandemic and how it affects them is inconclusive. Some studies suggest that children are less likely to be infected and likely to have only mild symptoms, but they have not proven. Many children are asymptomatic and it is unclear how easily the virus spreads to others.

The Associated Press also reported this week about how the evidence that coronavirus can spread from a pregnant woman to her fetus is growing.

Italian researchers investigated 31 COVID-19 women who gave birth in March and April and found signs of the virus in some samples of cord blood, placenta, and in one case breast milk. .. But this type of test only detects fragments of genetic material. It does not mean that there are viruses that can cause infections in those places.

in the meantime, the study Led by the National Institutes of Health, it may be the reason why fetuses are infected less often. Cells in the placenta rarely make the two tools normally used for coronavirus entry. In contrast, they found a lot of things used by Zika and other types of viruses.

The report of 85 babies with COVID-19 confirmed in Nuesses County is Lone Star’s latest nasty pandemic development.

In addition to states like Florida and Arizona, Texas has become a COVID-19 hotspot in the last few weeks. The state reported a new record of virus deaths on Friday at 3,865, recording more than 10,000 confirmed cases for four consecutive days, Texas Department of Health website.

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of Center for Disease Control and Prevention The United States emphasizes three national projections suggesting an increase in new hospital admissions per day over the next four weeks, while the other three projections predict more hospitalization rates. By August 3, there are 2,000 to 10,000 new COVID-19 hospital admissions per day in the United States.

Dr Allison Haddock of Baylor College of Medicine in Texas told The Associated Press: “We do our best, but we are not ICUs.”

Patients wait “hours” before being hospitalized, she said, and the least ill are lying in corridor beds to make room for the most serious illnesses.

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According to the Johns Hopkins University figures, more than 14 million cases have been confirmed worldwide and the death toll is approaching 600,000. On Saturday, the World Health Organization, also tracking the virus, reported a daily record of new infections-more than 259,000 worldwide-for the second consecutive day. The true cost of a pandemic is believed to be higher due to lack of testing and flaws in data collection.

Associated Press and Stephanie Weaver contributed to this report.

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