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Where to buy stylish designer masks online


Photo: Courtesy of Phlemuns

Now that all were (hopefully) wearing face masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, there is a demand for fabric coverings that are not only functional but also stylish. As with any form of fashion, your face mask can say a lot about you. It’s natural to want to express yourself with him, even under such difficult circumstances, and since the accessory will unfortunately be needed for a while, some people will want to splurge on the one they feel special.

Locked out, many small independent fashion designers have funneled their creative talents into creating colorful, fun, and maybe even a little quirky masks. Collina Strada, for example, was at the start of making those with elegant bow ties, California designer James Flemons from Phlemuns got creative with prints, and Rio Uribe from Gypsy Sport made beaded covers to embellish n ‘any ordinary N-95. .

If you’d like to add a little pizzaz to your pandemic wardrobe, here are some of our favorite fashion masks.

Collina Strada is known for a sort of over-the-top, self-conscious creativity (see her pantry-themed parade last year), and this mask, with its huge checkered arch, fits perfectly with the philosophy of the Mark. Granted, it costs $ 100, but for every product the brand sells, three will go to Seeding Sovereignty, a non-profit organization that works in partnership with Indigenous communities. And if you or a loved one is sick and this mask is out of your price range, the brand will send you another one free of charge if you contact directly.

Gypsy Sport creator Rio Uribe has a knack for transforming everyday items into one-of-a-kind fashion, whether it’s a tin-can dress or a shell shirt. This pearl thread face mask is meant to be worn over a surgical mask, creating the opposite effect: it turns a utilitarian object into something special. Proceeds will be donated to the Common Thread Relief Fund, which benefits other small American designers in need.

Handbag designer Clare Vivier is known for her sleek, minimalist silhouettes accented with fun prints and colors, which is exactly what she does with her matching masks. Fashion Cuts associate editor Izzy Grinspan compared their look to Jenna Lyonsera J. Crew. The fact that they’re out of stock until September indicates that, even after 18 years in business, Clare V. is still giving people what they want. And there is still a certain spontaneity in every order, the fabrics vary for each set of four assorted.

Photo: Courtesy of Phlemuns

James Flemons’ cool but casual gender-neutral pieces have been worn by everyone from Solange Knowles to Julia Fox in Uncut gems. Charli XCX was recently pictured wearing one of the brand’s cloud print masks, although she failed to match it with the cloud print tracksuit. When it comes to a pandemic wardrobe, Phlemuns has you covered.

69 is a mysterious Los Angeles-based denim brand. Much of his work strategically covers the face and body, so it was a no-brainer for him to step into face masks this year. All proceeds will go to Justice for Breonna Taylor.

As the name suggests, Meals Clothing takes the expression that you are what you eat very literally. In addition to watermelon prints, he also found inspiration in bananas, lettuce, pita bread, donuts and shrimp. The irony, of course, is that you can’t eat any of these things while wearing one of his face masks, but at least you’ll look delicious.

Lou Dallas is a New York designer who has been sewing old t-shirts and vintage fabrics in her studio apartment for the past few months. Her aesthetic is a bit naughty and a bit nice, the masks she makes combine delicate lace and knots with a punk patchwork. They are so in the mood that when she posts new ones on her Instagram they sell out almost instantly (which explains the high price tag). Twenty percent of the proceeds will go to Hungry Monk, a Queens-based organization dedicated to fighting food insecurity and homelessness across the city.

Founded in 2005, threeASFOUR is a trio of transnational artists based in New York: Gabriel Asfour (from Lebanon), Angela Donhauser (from the USSR) and Adi Gil (from Israel). Their masks are inspired by traditional scarves. Ten percent of every purchase will go towards creating medical masks for the health community in New York City.

Canadian designer Erdem Moralioglu is a regular on the London Fashion Week list. (His mother is English.) He loved his floral prints, and now you can get one as a face mask. At $ 65, it’s actually a steal for a piece from a designer who has dressed Cate Blanchett, Michelle Williams, and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Teni Tia Adeola was born in Nigeria, raised in London and is now based in New York. She created a successful brand out of her dorm at New School and graduated in 2019. As you can see from her masks, she gained a background in art history and her passion for the Renaissance period is the inspiration for his creations.

LA Roxx made a name for itself in the 1980s as a bespoke leather store for rock stars like Michael Jackson and Guns N Roses, and it still has its edge even in a pandemic. These elastic cord masks are perfect for a rave (of one). A portion of the sales of each mask will go to charities helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Xuly.Bt is a Parisian fashion house founded by Lamine Kouyat in 1991. Its name translates to keep your eyes open in Wolof, a language of Senegal. If you were looking to the future, the ability to pair your mask with the rest of your outfit is movement, and Xuly.Bt is one-stop-shop.

If Marie Antoinette needed a face mask, this dazzled one from Fallon, a New York-based jewelry brand, would be perfect. It is not easy to wear earrings with a mask, and this one solves this problem four times.

The More Joy capsule collection from Scottish luxury designers could not be more relevant. Who doesn’t need joy right now?

The fun handbag designer translated her colorful aesthetic into face masks, and they sell out as fast as her pearl bags. While no one is likely to be attending a Fashion Week bat mitzvah or musical anytime soon, her designs will allow the positive energy to flow in the meantime.

Tanya Taylors mission has always been to inspire people to live in color, and that now applies to face masks as well. Its energetic prints are perfect for summer, especially the one with flamingos all over.

Caf Forgot is a New York retail gem: a traveling pop-up boutique that has fostered a niche community around its one-of-a-kind arty pieces. But in the lockdown, he was forced to join the virtual universe just like the rest of us. Founders Lucy Weisner and Vita Haas weren’t sure how their IRL project would translate online, but these face masks from LivByLive are already selling.

If its website is to be believed, Fashion Brand Company is the first fashion line exclusively designed, managed by and tailored for lizards. Hence its motto: Fashion Brand Company: We only make clothes for lizards. Apparently, lizards need masks as well. The founders were generous enough to manufacture them on a human scale.

You will know a Steak Diane print when you see one. Designer Todd Heim started sewing masks for his locked out friends, and his fun prints, like a shirtless, buff cowboy, quickly gained a cult following. He has now expanded his line to include lips drinking a martini and smoking a cigarette. Twenty-five percent of the profits go to the Sylvia Rivera legal project.

Each product is independently selected by our editors. The things you buy through our links may earn us a commission.

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