How Olivia Munn's doctor helped calculate her breast cancer risk
![How Olivia Munn's doctor helped calculate her breast cancer risk How Olivia Munn's doctor helped calculate her breast cancer risk](
![Dr. Tais Aliabadi](
- Earlier this month, actor Olivia Munn spoke publicly about her breast cancer journey.
- Mann's doctor shares insight about the assessment test Mann said saved her life.
- Understanding the benefits of knowing your breast cancer risk assessment score can help you advocate for yourself.
On March 13th, 43-year-old actor Olivia Munn announced: Instagram She was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy.
In the post, she expressed gratitude to her gynecologist Dr. Tais Aliabadico-host of SHE MD Podcastcalculated a Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score and determined that Ms. Mann had a 37% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer.
This made Mann eligible for an MRI scan. ultrasound A biopsy revealed Luminal B cancer in both breasts.
In her post, Mann credits the evaluation and subsequent preventive MRI scan with saving her life. Just a few months ago, in February 2023, she underwent genetic testing for 90 different cancer genes, but the test results were negative. Around the same time, I also had a routine mammogram.
“If my gynecologist, Dr. Tais Aliabadi, had not decided to calculate my Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Score, my next scheduled mammogram would not have found cancer for another year. “Sho,” she wrote. “The fact that she saved my life.”
Aliabadi also saved her life by calculating her lifetime risk of breast cancer. Now that she knows her risks, double mastectomy Then, after surgery, stage 1 cancer was discovered in her breast tissue. She, like Mann, is personally involved with her patients.
“Olivia's journey is truly amazing, and as a breast cancer survivor myself, I couldn't be more proud of her,” Aliabadi told Healthline. “By raising her awareness about the importance of risk assessment and screening, she is making a difference not only in her own life, but in the lives of countless others… I respect you.”
Aliabadi said Mann's advocacy is a step toward achieving her ultimate goal as a physician: that all women, regardless of family history or lifestyle, know their lifetime risk for breast cancer.
“In my office, we calculate every woman's lifetime risk of breast cancer,” she said. “Knowledge is empowering. It is essential that each individual takes ownership of his or her health.”
Any woman over the age of 18 can request a breast cancer risk assessment from her doctor or from a medical professional who specializes in cancer risk, such as a genetic counselor. Sarah Pirzadeh MillerPresident-elect National Genetic Counselor Association Associate Director of Cancer Genetics at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
In fact, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) It is recommended “Primary Care Clinician”Evaluate women with a personal or family history of breast cancer, ovaries, fallopian tubes, or breast cancer. peritoneal cancer or who have ancestry associated with breast cancer susceptibility 1 and 2 (BRCA1/2) gene mutations and have appropriate simple familial risk assessment tools. Women with a positive result on the risk assessment tool should receive genetic counseling and, if indicated, genetic testing after counseling. ”
“Overall, it's important that everyone understands their cancer risk, whether it's breast cancer or other cancers, so they can make important medical decisions,” Pirzadeh-Miller said. told Healthline.
The Tyler Cusick (TC Model) Breast Cancer Risk Assessment is one of the models used to calculate lifetime breast cancer risk. The model takes into account:
- Year
- height and weight
- Age when menstruation started
- Obstetric history (if you have given birth to your first child after age 30, or if you have never given birth)
- menopause age
- the history of hormone replacement therapy use
- Family history of breast cancer (including age at diagnosis)
Using the Tyrer-Cuzick model, individuals can be formally qualified for breast MRI if their lifetime breast cancer risk is 20-25% or higher.breast MRI can
“It's important to discuss which model makes the most sense given the individual, their risk factors, and each individual's specific clinical scenario,” Pirzademiller said.
She provides data on the general population and breast cancer screening; mammography According to the Center, up to 25% of women Have a family history of breast cancer Patients eligible for further breast cancer risk assessment (genetic testing and/or high-risk breast cancer screening protocols). These women will have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of more than 20%, Pirzadeh-Miller said.
If your doctor denies your request for a breast cancer evaluation, contact another health care provider.
“If you're not satisfied with the answers your health care provider gives you about how best to develop a comprehensive cancer prevention plan, it's important to get a second opinion,” Pirzademiller says.
If you have a personal or family history of breast cancer and/or other cancers that contain “red flags” for hereditary cancer risk, consider seeing a genetic counselor.
Aliabadi has launched a breast cancer risk calculator, which will be accessible from her device. Website.
“After the assessment, we provide clear guidelines on the necessary actions that every woman should take, based on the final risk percentage. This allows women to develop a clear plan of action and discuss it with their doctor. “It will be,” Aliabadi said.
Knowing your risk for breast cancer can help you have important conversations with your doctor about cancer risk management and prevention strategies.
Like Mann, women with a lifetime breast cancer risk greater than 20% to 25%, as calculated through an appropriate breast cancer risk model, are eligible for additional and possibly earlier breast cancer screening with breast MRI and other testing modalities. .
“Other preventive measures to reduce the risk of breast cancer include selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) and aromatase inhibitormaintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, regular exerciselimit alcohol intake, and consider risk-reducing mastectomies for those at high risk,” Aliabadi said.
Before women undergo genetic testing or learn about their breast cancer risk calculations, they should consider how it will affect them emotionally and psychologically.
You need to weigh what to do with that information when the risk is high.
“Will individuals use the information to make active decisions about breast cancer risk management? Or will they not use it at all? The answers to these questions are It can influence your choices,” Pirzademiller said.
While some women may choose to retain information, others may take Mann's approach of acting on the information and spreading awareness.
“People who share their stories, including their breast cancer diagnosis and their journey through it, will bring awareness to those who consume that information,” Pirzadeh Miller said.
Public statements by celebrities also provide an opportunity to discuss the facts regarding breast cancer risk assessment.
“Olivia also reported that her genetic test result was a negative 90.” It also gave us an opportunity to highlight the existence of
A negative genetic test does not have the same clinical interpretation for everyone, she explained. Even if the test result is negative, some people may be at increased risk for breast cancer for other reasons that require further evaluation by a health care provider.
“Here, experts in the field, such as genetic counselors, can provide detailed, evidence-based recommendations for ongoing risk management discussions with your medical team,” Pirzademiller said. .
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