Drug similar to Ozempic slows Parkinson's disease in small trial

Coronal view of a human brain with Parkinson's disease
Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab | Getty Images
very popular Type of drug Symptoms of diabetes and obesity are appearing early possibility To help patients with Parkinson's disease as well.
An old diabetes treatment called Lixisenatide The drug helped slow the progression of movement disorders after 12 months in patients in the early stages of symptoms, according to results from a small mid-term trial published Wednesday. The drug made by sanofisomething like GLP-1 novo nordiskOzempic, a blockbuster diabetes injection, and Wegovy, a weight loss solution.
Dyskinesia refers to symptoms such as tremor, stiffness, and slowness of movement, making it difficult for patients to walk, speak, and swallow. French researchers say larger, longer-term studies are needed to fully determine the effectiveness and safety of Sanofi's treatment for patients with degenerative brain diseases, including how long the effects last. Stated.
Still, the result is published An article published late Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine marks an encouraging step forward in the decades-long effort to tackle Parkinson's disease. As many as 500,000 Americans have been diagnosed with the disease, which is characterized by damage to nerve cells in the brain.
The results also add to a long list of potential health benefits for GLP-1, which has seen a surge in demand over the past year, including helping patients lose weight and regulate blood sugar levels. However, Novo Nordisk's new version of his GLP-1 Eli Lilly It may also be helpful for people with Parkinson's disease.
While both drug companies are researching treatments for weight loss and diabetes in patients with conditions such as sleep apnea and fatty liver disease, neither is researching their drugs in the management of Parkinson's disease.
Sanofi will withdraw lixisenatide from the market in early 2023. The French pharmaceutical company said: cancel Treatment decisions are business decisions and have no bearing on their safety or effectiveness.
Sanofi provided the drug to researchers and advised them on the drug's characteristics, but was otherwise not involved in the new Phase 2 trial. The trial was funded by the French Ministry of Health and Prevention and the British charity Cure Parkinson's.
Sanofi said in a statement to CNBC that it was “pleased with the positive results of this study.” The company added that it is ready to “discuss with the study's researchers about supporting the next stage of the study.”
The study followed 156 people with early-stage Parkinson's disease for one year. In this study, all participants were taking regular Parkinson's medications. However, one group received additional daily injections of Sanofi's drug, while the other group received a placebo.
Patients receiving lixisenatide showed essentially no progression of motor symptoms, whereas patients receiving placebo showed worsening of motor symptoms. Differences between the two groups were small but remained the same two months after the trial ended and patients completely discontinued treatment.
However, use of Sanofi's drug was associated with an increased risk of gastrointestinal side effects common to all GLP-1s. Almost half of the patients who took the drug in trials experienced nausea and 13% reported vomiting.
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