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April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month

April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month


April is recognized as Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month. This is an opportunity to become familiar with the symptoms and risk factors for cancer in this group.

“As a head and neck cancer center of excellence, ThedaCare Cancer Care is proud to play a leading role in educating and caring for our community,” he explained. Dr. Nathan Munson, ThedaCare Cancer Treatment Radiation Oncologist. “With this designation, our goal is to streamline, standardize, and expedite the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer patients.”

The Head and Neck Cancer Program is a multidisciplinary group comprised of experts in medical oncology, radiation oncology, surgery, endocrinology, radiology, pathology, and otolaryngology. It also includes support services such as nutritionists and speech therapists, with experts located throughout the region.

know the facts

by American Association for Cancer ResearchTogether, head and neck cancers account for approximately 4% of cancer diagnoses each year.

Head cancers and cancers occur in the following places:

  • Paranasal sinus
  • inside and behind the nose
  • Inside the mouth, including the tongue, gums, and roof of the mouth
  • The back of the mouth and throat (pharynx) contains three sections called the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx
  • Inside the larynx (voice box)
  • In the case of lips, lip cancer is a type of skin cancer.
  • Located in the glands that produce saliva in the mouth

Approximately twice as many men as women get head and neck cancer. People over the age of 50 are also more likely to be diagnosed.

Munson said cancers that form at the junction of the mouth and throat are one of the fastest growing types of cancer and are often associated with HPV (human papillomavirus). This junctional cancer, also called oropharyngeal cancer, can be divided into two subgroups: HPV-related cancers and HPV-unrelated cancers.

Tobacco and alcohol use increase the risk of non-HPV-related cancers. On the other hand, HPV causes approximately 70% of head and neck cancers. Treatments vary depending on the type of cancer, Dr. Munson explained.

Identifying symptoms

“Head and neck cancer symptoms can be difficult to detect because they often mirror other symptoms,” Dr. Manson says. “People should be aware of any concerning symptoms and seek medical care if symptoms do not resolve.”

Common symptoms of head and neck cancer include:

  • Prolonged sore throat: A sore throat that occurs unrelated to a cold or that does not go away.
  • Mouth pain: Mouth pain unrelated to oral hygiene, such as bleeding gums. Discolored spots on your tongue or jaw pain can be serious.
  • Dysphagia: A condition in which swallowing becomes painful or difficult, and is not the result of a viral infection.
  • Difficulty speaking: persistent pain and hoarseness.
  • Sinus problems: Persistent pain or pressure in the sinuses that is not caused by an illness or allergy.

Other common signs of concern include weight loss, fever, chronic fatigue, and physical abnormalities such as lumps or lesions.

Risk reduction

According to , alcohol and tobacco are major risk factors for head and neck cancer. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and smokeless tobacco, are associated with head and neck cancer (except salivary gland cancer).

ThedaCare provides resources for people who need help quitting smoking. People can start a conversation with their primary care provider.

Consuming any type of alcohol increases your risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, and voice box. Large published clinical studies strongly demonstrate that no amount of alcohol can be considered safe when it comes to cancer risk. Additionally, the American Cancer Society's Dietary and Physical Activity Guidelines for Cancer Prevention states that it's best not to consume alcohol at all.

HPV vaccination also plays an important role in preventing HPV-related pharyngeal cancer. Your primary care provider can provide recommendations regarding the timing of vaccination.

Other preventative measures include avoiding indoor tanning, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and avoiding processed foods and refined sugars.

“By increasing awareness, we can detect head and neck cancer earlier,” Dr. Manson said. “We encourage everyone to be aware of the signs and make positive lifestyle choices to reduce risk.”




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