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US revokes chip supply licenses to Chinese Huawei

US revokes chip supply licenses to Chinese Huawei


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The Biden administration has revoked export licenses that allow Intel and Qualcomm to supply semiconductors to Huawei as Washington increases pressure on the Chinese telecommunications equipment company.

The decision by the US Department of Commerce affects the supply of chips for Huawei's laptops and mobile phones, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Commerce Department confirmed to the Financial Times that it had revoked some export licenses to Huawei, but did not specify which US companies would be affected.

We continually evaluate how our controls can best protect our national security and foreign policy interests, taking into account an ever-changing threat environment and technology landscape, a department spokesperson said. As part of this process, as we have done in the past, we sometimes revoke export licenses.

A person familiar with the matter said the Commerce Department had notified the companies that would be affected, but did not provide details.

Washington already imposes tough restrictions on the sale of American technology to Huawei, but Republican lawmakers have urged President Joe Biden to take even tougher action against the Chinese group, which national security officials say helps Beijing to engage in cyber espionage around the world. Huawei has denied the allegations.

This is an important action that shows how seriously the U.S. government is addressing and not backing down from what it sees as national security threats from Chinese technology, said Meghan Harris, an expert on export control at Beacon Global Strategies, a consulting firm.

To the extent that industry and foreign partners are watching to see if the administration will soften its stance, this is a clear indication that this will not be the case and we should expect any subsequent administration to continue on this path, he said. -she declared.

The move comes as the United States raises concerns about Huawei's ability to develop advanced chips despite drastic export controls introduced in 2022. When US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo visited China Last year, Huawei launched the Mate 60 Pro smartphone, which featured an advanced chip that surprised experts.

Marco Rubio, Republican vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Elise Stefanik, fourth-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, last month urged Raimondo to revoke Huawei's licenses after reports emerged that the Shenzhen had been building laptops using chips from Intel.

It's clear from these trends that Huawei, a blacklisted company that was struggling just a few years ago, is making a comeback, the lawmakers wrote in their letter.

Following the release of the letter, Intel stated that it strictly complies with all laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. Huawei's MateBook

Michael McCaul, Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, has repeatedly urged the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security to take a tougher stance on Huawei. In a letter last year, he expressed concern that the Chinese group could still purchase significant amounts of American technology.

It was the right decision, but the license should never have been granted, Rubio told the FT. The Biden administration must be proactive in denying Chinese companies critical technologies, not just reactive when challenged by lawmakers who actually take the threat seriously.

Qualcomm did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Intel declined to comment.

The FT reported last month that the US was pushing its allies in Europe and Asia to tighten restrictions on exports of chip-related technology to China due to growing concerns over Huawei.

Video: The race for semiconductor supremacy | FT films




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