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Colorectal cancer incidence increases by 500% in children aged 10 to 14 years

Colorectal cancer incidence increases by 500% in children aged 10 to 14 years
Colorectal cancer incidence increases by 500% in children aged 10 to 14 years


Teenagers standing in a school hallway.Share on Pinterest
A new study finds that cases of colorectal cancer are decreasing in older adults, but significantly increasing in children and teens.Klaus Wedfeld/Getty Images
  • A new study finds that colorectal cancer in children is on the rise.
  • However, the number of infected people among elderly people is on the decline.
  • It's important to know the signs and symptoms of early-onset colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer cases are on the rise among younger people, according to a new study. The biggest increase is in children ages 10 to 14, where cases have increased by 500%.

Although the total number of infections is still low, experts are working hard to understand what is causing this change.

The results of the survey are expected to be announced on Monday, May 20th. Digestive Disease Week Conference in Washington DC

Colon cancer is 3rd most common The fourth most common form of cancer in men and the fourth most common form of cancer in women. Experts predict that there will be 106,590 new infections in the United States in 2024. colon cancer 46,220 cases of rectal cancer.

Among older adults, who are generally at the highest risk of developing cancer, cancer rates are decreasing slowly. Diminished Since the 1980s. From 2011 to 2019, the number of infections decreased Approximately 1% Every year.

For young people, however, it's a different story. According to the American Cancer Society, “incidence among people under age 55 has increased by 1% to 2% annually since the mid-1990s.”

There is a similar story in the line I talked to Jude TidburyClinical Nurse Specialist in Gastroenterology and Endoscopy at East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, UK

She explained that guidelines are changing because colorectal cancer is increasing in younger people.

“We were testing people over the age of 60. This has now been reduced to 55 and will be reduced again to 50 in the coming months,” Mr Tidbury said.

The latest study was led by Dr. Islam Mohamed, an internal medicine resident at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.

According to Mohammed's analysis, from 1999 to 2020, colorectal cancer Increment:

  • 500% for children aged 10-14;
  • 333% for teens ages 15-19;
  • 185% for people aged 20-24
  • 71% for people aged 30-34
  • 58% for people aged 35-39
  • 37% for people aged 40-44

A 500% increase in people aged 10-14 sounds like a lot, but it's important to keep it in perspective. In 1999, the number of infected people in this age group was 0.1 per 100,000. In 2020, this number increased to 0.6 children per 100,000 people.

Despite the low overall numbers, these numbers are concerning. However, Mohammed said testing of younger age groups is not yet necessary because the numbers are small.

Until recently, colorectal cancer was thought to be a disease of the elderly. Mohammed believes it is important to know the early signs and symptoms, as infection rates are currently increasing among young people.

he explain The press statement states that the most common signs of early-onset colorectal cancer are:

Risk factor Colorectal cancer includes: inflammatory bowel disease, family history of the disease, and certain genetic syndromes. Although there is nothing an individual can do to reduce these risks, there are some lifestyle changes that can make a big difference, including:

  • stay physically active
  • Eat lots of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables
  • Reduce processed meat intake
  • maintain a healthy weight
  • reduce alcohol intake
  • no smoking

health line I talked to Dr. Federica Amati, ANutris a postdoctoral researcher and chief nutritionist at ZOE, a science and nutrition company.

“These rising rates are alarming and demonstrate an urgent need to improve our ability to prevent and detect early colon cancer,” she explained. “Ensuring that children and young people eat a fiber-rich diet that includes a variety of foods.” Minimally processed food It should be a public health priority. ”

Although some risk factors are not well understood, there are still unanswered questions about colorectal cancer.

“We still don't know what is causing this rise,” Tidbury said. health line. “Is the rise in obesity the cause, or are other lifestyle factors at play? Is there a genetic link, or is it due to environmental changes?”

As research into early-onset colorectal cancer continues, some researchers are focusing on the role of colorectal cancer. intestinal microbiota — Trillions of bacteria that live in your gut.

There is increasing evidence that these microorganisms may be the cause. important part puzzles and about them change your microbiome It may lead to new treatments.

“The work we do at ZOE is CRC UK Prospect The team will help identify people at risk through gut microbiome analysis and interventions that can effectively reduce risk,” Amati said.

The study is funded by Cancer Research UK and the National Cancer Institute and brings together researchers from around the world. This project focuses on understanding why early-onset cancers are on the rise.

The incidence of colorectal cancer decreases slowly in older people but increases in younger people.

Experts still don't know why, but it's becoming increasingly important to know the early warning signs.




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