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Google Pixel 8a review: A compact AI driver for Pixel fans, but the price is beyond practicality

Google Pixel 8a review: A compact AI driver for Pixel fans, but the price is beyond practicality



Google has announced its latest Pixel 8a. As everyone knows, the addition of a means that this smartphone is a cheaper version of the main Pixel 8 series. But the new Pixel 8a is packed with features found in the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, as well as the AI ​​features found in the flagship models.

Starting at 52,999 (8GB/128GB), the new Pixel 8a has its overall features, but unless you're a fan of Pixel smartphones, many users may not be thrilled. So let's take a look at what the new Pixel 8a has to offer.


The design elements are the same as the Pixel 8 and 8 Pro, but the size is more compact. The Pixel 8a fits perfectly in your hand and is easy to use. The phone is light and made of plastic, which is unexpected for a phone in this price range. We have usually seen mid-range phones with glass bodies.

Pixel 8a | Photo by Haider Ali Khan

This phone offers a minimalistic and beautiful look. I decided to review the blue version. Like his other Pixel smartphones, the new Pixel 8a has a standard button and port arrangement. The volume rocker is located below the power button on the right side. There is one SIM card tray on the left side. At the bottom is a USB Type-C 3.2 port for charging and data transfer. It also has an in-display fingerprint scanner for biometric authentication.

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The Pixel 8a is IP67 certified, offering plenty of protection from dust and water, but given its price range, an IP68 rating would be nice. Google currently uses Gorilla Glass 3 to protect its display, so it could have considered choosing the higher-end Corning Gorilla Glass for increased durability.


Pixel 8a features a 6.1-inch 120Hz OLED display with a 20:9 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1,080×2,400 pixels, delivering a crisp 430 pixels per inch. The OLED panel delivers deep blacks, vibrant colors with 24-bit depth, and an excellent contrast ratio of over 1,000,000:1. Google has also included HDR support to improve the viewing experience for compatible content.

Actual performance may vary, but the display is reasonably bright, delivering up to 2,000 nits of peak brightness. The always-on display feature is a useful addition, providing at-a-glance information without having to completely wake up the screen. .


Out of the box, the Pixel 8a runs Android 14 with the May 2024 security patch. Pixel 8a promises seven years of operating system updates, security patches, and feature removals. As for the software experience itself, being a Pixel device, users can expect a variety of AI-driven features and enhancements.


Pixel 8a is powered by Google's custom Tensor G3 system-on-chip (SoC). This is the same chipset found in the more expensive Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro models. Tensor G3 comes with Google's in-house Titan M2 coprocessor that handles security and machine learning tasks. The device is available in two storage configurations: 8GB RAM and 128GB storage, or 8GB RAM and 256GB storage, and our review unit was the former. It's worth noting that both versions use his LPDDR5X RAM, a modest upgrade over the previous generation.

In day-to-day use, the Pixel 8a felt fairly smooth when multitasking and handling demanding workloads. Game performance was also satisfactory, with titles like BGMI and Pokémon Go running well thanks to the Mali-G715 GPU. However, the lack of support for clone apps like WhatsApp is something I personally don't like about Pixel phones.

The Pixel 8a showed decent numbers in synthetic benchmarks like Geekbench 6. It got a score of 1595 in the single-core test, while the multi-core score was 2717. The phone also performed well in the GPU department with graphics scores. The 5538 suggests it can handle moderate games and graphics-intensive apps.


Google has long praised the great camera performance of its Pixel smartphones, and the Pixel 8a aims to continue that tradition. The device features a dual rear camera setup with a 64MP quad-pixel wide camera with f/1.89 aperture and 0.8m pixel size. This primary shooter comes with a 13MP ultra-wide-angle camera with a 120-degree field of view, providing versatility for shooting from different perspectives.

Pixel 8a sample image | Photo by Haider Ali Khan

During testing, the device's camera settings were excellent at capturing clear and detailed images during the day. The 64MP primary camera, combined with Google's computational photography algorithms, produced shots with excellent dynamic range, accurate color, and crisp detail, even under challenging lighting conditions. The images were vibrant and had a life-like quality that really impressed me.

Pixel 8a sample image | Photo by Haider Ali Khan

Pixel 8a is also great for low-light and night photography. Google's Night Mode works well in low-light environments, capturing crisp, noise-free images with impressive detail and color accuracy. The camera's processing power is especially noticeable here, allowing you to quickly capture and combine multiple exposures to create bright, natural-looking night shots in just a few seconds. This level of night photography performance is typically only available on flagship devices, so the Pixel 8as' features are even better at its price point.

Pixel 8a low-light sample image | Photo by Haider Ali Khan

For selfies, Pixel 8a has a 13MP front-facing camera with a 96.5-degree ultra-wide field of view, perfect for capturing more people and backgrounds in your photos. Although the selfie camera doesn't have autofocus, Google's computational photography algorithms help ensure clear, well-exposed selfies in most scenarios.

Megapixel counts don't tell the whole story, but the combination of Google's computational photography capabilities and robust hardware translates to great real-world performance. In our testing, the Pixel 8a consistently captured sharp, detailed images in both bright and low-light conditions with both its rear and front-facing cameras. Google's software processing algorithms like HDR+ and Night Sight magically enhance dynamic range, reduce noise, and capture impressive night shots.

The camera experience is further enhanced by Google's suite of AI-driven features, including Magic Eraser to remove unwanted objects, Face Unblur to sharpen facial details, and Real Tone to render accurate skin tones under different lighting conditions. will be strengthened.


The Pixel 8a has a 4,492mAh battery, which is comparable to what you'll find in more expensive flagship models like the Pixel 8. In fact, with moderate to heavy use, the battery life lasts a full day.

However, where the Pixel 8a is disappointing is its charging speed. Despite the high price, this device only supports his 18W wired charging, which is frankly substandard for a modern smartphone in this segment.

It takes over an hour to charge the battery from empty, which can be frustrating if you need fast charging. The Pixel 8a supports wireless charging, which is a welcome addition, but the glacial charging speed is still a notable drawback. Google's decision not to include a charger in the box only adds to the inconvenience.


Pixel 8a is for people who are deeply invested in the Google ecosystem and the Pixel experience. It delivers flagship-level camera performance, capable hardware with a custom Tensor G3 chip, and the suite of AI-powered features that have become synonymous with Pixel devices in a compact design.

However, when compared objectively to its competitors, the Pixel 8as' pricing may not be as attractive. Some of its competitors in this space offer more powerful processors, faster charging speeds, and potentially better value for money. In particular, Google's decision to stick with 18W wired charging feels like a major oversight in an otherwise solid package.

All in all, if you're a Pixel loyalist who prioritizes Google's software experience and photography skills, the Pixel 8a is a great option. But for those looking for raw performance or cutting-edge hardware, it's worth considering alternatives that may meet your expectations more at this price point.




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