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Japan's tallest skyscraper can withstand even a 9.0-magnitude earthquake like the one in 2011

Japan's tallest skyscraper can withstand even a 9.0-magnitude earthquake like the one in 2011
Japan's tallest skyscraper can withstand even a 9.0-magnitude earthquake like the one in 2011


Designed by Pelli Clarke & Partners, the Mori Tower JP is the tallest skyscraper in Japan! Standing at an astonishing 1,066 feet tall and located in Tokyo, the skyscraper was created to reduce the use of grid-based energy by incorporating sustainability features. The tower is also designed to be earthquake-resistant, providing a strong support against earthquakes in the country. The tower is located in the Azabudai Hill development – ​​a new area filled with green spaces and other high-rise buildings.

Designer: Billy Clark & ​​Associates

The magnificent skyscraper is equipped with a glass facade and a unique shape reminiscent of the image of the lotus flower. It features a beautiful crown of four curved glass “petals”, giving it a shape and symmetry inspired by the lotus flower. The exterior is highlighted by strips of integrated lighting. Designed by American lighting design firm L’Observatoire International, the lighting appears to sparkle magically at night. The interior of the building has sixty-four floors and includes a mix of residential and office spaces. The top eleven floors will be occupied by the hospitality company Aman, and will be called Aman Residences.

Although the JB Mori Tower is the tallest skyscraper in Japan, it is not the tallest “structure.” The tallest structure is the Tokyo Sky Tree at 2,080 feet. In fact, even Tokyo Tower is taller than the JB Mori Tower at 1,092 feet. However, since both structures are primarily broadcasting and observation towers, they cannot be included in the height ratings of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. But despite this consideration, the JB Mori Tower is a remarkable building, as it can function and stand tall in an earthquake as strong as the Great East Japan Earthquake, which measured 9.0 on the Richter scale. This is a truly commendable achievement, one that will save lives and minimize destruction. The tower’s structural steel tubes are filled with high-strength concrete, and the building is combined with numerous inhibitors to achieve this feat.

“High-strength steel and concrete components are deployed to balance the structures, and vibration control devices are placed in key areas where vibration during earthquakes can be efficiently reduced, resulting in high vibration resistance,” Mori said. “In addition, large-scale vibration control devices known as ‘active mass dampers’ will help reduce vibration that occurs at the tops of buildings during strong winds.”




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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