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Amid opposition anger over Manipur, PM Modi hits back: 'Rise above politics, Manipur will reject those who fan the flames' | Political Pulse News

Amid opposition anger over Manipur, PM Modi hits back: 'Rise above politics, Manipur will reject those who fan the flames' | Political Pulse News
Amid opposition anger over Manipur, PM Modi hits back: 'Rise above politics, Manipur will reject those who fan the flames' | Political Pulse News


As the Congress-led opposition continues to target the BJP-led NDA for its handling of the Crisis in ManipurPrime Minister Narendra Modi told the Rajya Sabha that his government has made every effort to restore peace in the conflict-torn northeastern state.

Asking the opposition to rise above politics on the Manipur issue, PM Modi said, “Some elements are adding fuel to the fire and such elements will be rejected by the people of Manipur.”

As part of its response to the debate on the motion of thanks During the President's address, the Prime Minister told the Upper House that 11,000 FIRs have been registered and 500 people arrested in Manipur so far.

I have already spoken at length about Manipur in the last session. But I would like to repeat it once again. To stabilise the situation in Manipur, the government is making relentless efforts. Whatever incidents have taken place in this region, more than 11,000 complaints have been filed. Mainpur is a small state. More than 500 people have been arrested, the Prime Minister said.

“We have to accept that in Manipur, violent incidents are coming down. This means there is hope for peace. Today, in most parts of Manipur, as in normal times, schools, colleges and offices are functioning. In Manipur too, exams were held there as in other parts,” Modi said.

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Manipur was rocked by ethnic conflict between the Meitei and Kuki-Zomi communities since May last year.

The Prime Minister told the Rajya Sabha that talks between the Centre, the Manipur government and other stakeholders were continuing to ensure peace in the state.

Efforts are being made. It never happened during the previous governments that the Union Home Minister stayed for several days there (in Manipur). The Home Minister stayed there for weeks and held discussions with the stakeholders. Efforts have been made to bring people together. All senior government officials who are posted there are regularly visiting the place physically. All efforts are being made to bring peace, Modi said.

He also reminded the Congress of the unrest Manipur faced in 1993 when he was in power.

“We all have to rise above politics and help normalise the situation there. It is our duty,” Modi said. “These elements are adding fuel to the fire in Manipur. I request them to stop this. A day will come when Manipur will reject them.”

The Prime Minister also said, “Those who know the history of Manipur know that there has been a long social struggle in this region. The roots of this struggle are very deep. No one can deny it. Congressmen should not forget that for these reasons, the President's rule had to be imposed ten times. There are bound to be problems. And this has not happened during our tenure. Yet, for political reasons, the movements that are taking place there are shameful.”

He said, “In 1993, a series of similar incidents happened in Manipur. And it was so bad that it lasted for five years. We have to make efforts to improve the situation after understanding all this. Those who want to contribute, we welcome them. But we are working to bring peace.”

The Prime Minister added that at present Manipur is also facing the problem of floods and the central government is working with the state government and providing all possible support. So, in case of any natural calamity also, the Centre and the state government are worried about Manipur.

PM Modi's statement came a day after the opposition resorted to slogans of Justice for Manipur on the Manipur issue in the Lok Sabha during its reply to the debate on the motion of thanks on the President's speech.

THE Crisis in Manipur was not included in President Droupadi Murumu's speech to both houses of Parliament on June 27.

Pointing this out, the newly elected Congress MP from interior Manipur, A Bimol AkoijamOn Monday night, they went all out to attack the Modi government for ignoring the state.

Does this silence mean that the people of the Northeast and particularly those of Manipur do not matter in the Indian political system? Akoijam said, addressing the Lok Sabha around midnight, hours after Opposition Leader Rahul Gandhi also highlighted the Manipur crisis among other issues in his speech.

Drawing the attention of the members to the absence of the Manipur crisis in the President's speech, Akoijam said, “This is not a mere absence. It is a reminder of the rashtra chetana (national consciousness) that is excluding people. You have to understand that over 60,000 people are languishing in relief camps in miserable conditions for the last one year. 60,000 people homeless is not a joke. Over 200 people have died. There is a civil war situation where people, armed to the teeth, are roaming and fighting among themselves to defend their villages and the Indian state has been a mute spectator to this tragedy for the last one year.”

Akoijam also said he was surprised to be given a slot around midnight for his speech when there was hardly anyone present in the House, including members of Congress.

The Congress has rejected PM Modi's statement on Manipur. In a statement released on X, All India Congress Committee (AICC) communications general secretary Jairam Ramesh said, “Today in the Rajya Sabha, after months of absolute silence on the issue, the non-biological Prime Minister made the astonishing claim that the situation in Manipur is normal. In reality, the situation is still tense, as pointed out by the MP from Inner Manipur in the Lok Sabha on July 1.”

Ramesh also said, “Pradhan Mantri, a non-biological volcano, has yet to visit Manipur since its eruption on the night of May 3, 2023, nor has it met the political leaders of the state.” The President's speech also remained silent on this issue.

The Congress won both Lok Sabha seats from the NDA in Manipur in the recent elections.




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