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Far-right mob attacks refugee hotel in UK | Protest News

Far-right mob attacks refugee hotel in UK | Protest News


Far-right protesters have vandalised a hotel housing refugees in Rotherham, northern England, as Britain experiences its worst riots in 13 years.

On Sunday, hundreds of people gathered at the Holiday Inn Express, a refugee camp near Rotherham, hurled bricks at police, broke several hotel windows and set fire to a bin.

Footage provided by British broadcaster Sky News showed police wearing shields trying to block rioters from entering the hotel as they were attacked by missiles including pieces of wood, chairs and fire extinguishers.

A police helicopter circled overhead and at least one injured officer in riot gear was carried away as the situation grew increasingly tense.

The riots are the latest in a string of violence across Britain following a stabbing at a dance studio in northern England last week that left three girls dead and several others injured.

False rumours spread online that the young man involved in a knife attack in Southport was Muslim and an immigrant, fuelling anger among the country's far right, police say.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said on Sunday there was no justification for the far-right violence that led to attacks on mosques and attacks on Muslims and ethnic minorities.

“The people of this country have a right to be safe, but we have had Muslim communities targeted and mosques attacked,” Starmer said.

People look out from a hotel window in Rotherham, England, on August 4, 2024. [Hollie Adams/Reuters]

The prime minister added that he would not hesitate to call it out. [the rioting] What is that? It's far-right violence.

“I want to let people know how scary this is for people who feel they are being targeted because of the color of their skin or their faith,” he said.

I want to let you know that these violent mobs do not represent this country, and we will bring them to justice.

Starmer has been criticised by some for failing to condemn the overtly racist and Islamophobic nature of some of the attacks carried out by those responsible for the riots.

Zara Sultana, a Labour MP who was suspended from the party for voting against the current government, took to social media to call for parliament to reconvene during the summer recess.

This is the moment rioters set fire to the grass in Rotherham, while police stand guard opposite them.

Rioters stormed the Holiday Inn hotel and threw objects at police.

Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

Sky News (@SkyNews) August 4, 2024

xenophobic rhetoric

Elsewhere in Britain, the mood was particularly tense. In the north-eastern city of Middlesborough, protesters fled from police guards. As protests began in Bolton, near Manchester, police said a dispersal notice had been issued to give them extra powers to crack down on anti-social behaviour.

Police officials say many of the actions are being organised online by obscure far-right groups, which are rallying support online with slogans such as Enough, Save Our Children and Stop the Boats. They are capitalising on stories amplified by right-wing media outlets and commentators about the scale of the country’s migration, including tens of thousands of migrants and refugees arriving in small boats across the English Channel from France.

Critics have repeatedly pointed to the spread of misinformation and xenophobic rhetoric about immigrant and minority communities in Britain as contributing to the current outbreak of violence.

Professor Rosa Freedman of the University of Reading told Al Jazeera that the riots in Britain were a result of the previous Conservative government that came to power last month, giving legitimacy to a small minority of racists.

Instead of hiding their faces, they are now showing their faces. We can't blame the Labour Party. [only] was in government [for] She said for the past four weeks.

We need to have a conversation about immigration in the UK and other countries, and we need to address this issue from a human rights perspective.

Police say they have received calls for a small number of people to riot on social media accounts, but a key figure in spreading the message is long-time far-right agitator Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who goes by the name Tommy Robinson.

He led the English Defence League, which Merseyside police linked to a violent protest in Southport on Tuesday, a day after the stabbing. Yaxley-Lennon, 41, is jailed on suspicion of assault, contempt of court and mortgage fraud, and is currently under arrest after leaving the UK ahead of a scheduled hearing in his contempt proceedings last week.

Meanwhile, Nigel Farage, who was first elected to parliament in July as leader of Reform UK, has also been accused of indirectly stoking anti-immigrant sentiment that has emerged in recent days.

While Faraj condemned the violence, he criticized the government for blaming a few far-right thugs for the violence and for responding to fears shared by tens of millions of people.

The far-right opposition group Hope Not Hate condemned the protests, describing them as an explosion of legitimate anger.

They are not. This is racist violence fueled by far-right hate, the group said in a statement. Those directly involved in these horrific scenes must face the full force of the law.

Responsibility also lies with those who have encouraged and advocated these riots, such as Tommy Robinson. The group says the explosion of racist violence across the country is the result of years of far-right incitement. But these incidents are also the result of a climate of anti-Muslim and anti-asylum seeker hostility stoked by some in our media and those who claim to be mainstream politicians.




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