Childhood obesity on the rise in poor areas
The Surgeon General has warned that inequalities when it comes to child obesity in the city are likely to worsen in coming years.
Figures seen by Southampton City Council show that children in more deprived areas of the city are more affected by obesity.
Data for the 2022/23 academic year shows that 40.5% of Southampton's sixth form students are overweight and 26% are obese.
Scientists from the University of Southampton have worked with authorities to make healthy foods more accessible.
The national average for overweight children is 36.6 percent, while the percentage of obese children is 22.7 percent.
Southampton's health and social care committee considered a report that broke down data on children in the city.
Senior public health expert and researcher Rabita Taheem said 44.3% of children in the most deprived areas of Southampton were overweight or obese, compared with 23.8% in the least deprived areas.
The committee was told that while this disparity has existed for some time, it has widened in recent years.
“We know from census data that we've become poorer as a city over time, so if we don't focus on drivers, it's going to get even worse,” Public Health Commissioner Debbie Chase said.
Taheem has led a team focused on developing a holistic approach to tackling childhood obesity.
The University of Southampton has since carried out research focusing on areas of the city that need improved access to healthy food options.
The researchers found that a food basket that costs £18 at a major supermarket chain would cost £20 more for the same items if bought at one of the company's smaller stores.
The university study also found that more than one in four homes in Southampton is more than a 16-minute walk from a health food store.
“Access to fresh fruit and vegetables can be quite difficult, especially in urban areas where healthy, affordable food is less readily available,” said Dr Jenny Baverstock, who leads the university project.
The university has recommended officials improve the supply of healthier produce, provide healthier options for city residents and improve food waste and food bank services by building on existing partnerships.
Dr Baverstock added: “With obesity trends on the rise in Southampton in particular, it's important that issues of healthy eating and sustainability are addressed at a local level.”
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