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Nearly 4,000 new MPOX cases reported in one week in Africa as wait for vaccine continues

Nearly 4,000 new MPOX cases reported in one week in Africa as wait for vaccine continues
Nearly 4,000 new MPOX cases reported in one week in Africa as wait for vaccine continues


Abuja, Nigeria — In Africa, mpox case The continent's public health agency on Tuesday renewed its appeal for much-needed vaccines after deliveries were delayed this week to the hardest-hit Republic of Congo, where some 4,000 cases have been reported in the past week.

Dr Jean Kaseya, director of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an online briefing that 81 deaths from MPOX had been reported in Africa in the past week, bringing the total number of infections and deaths to 22,863 and 622, respectively.

Western countries, including the European Union and the United States, have pledged about 380,000 doses of the MPOX vaccine, he said — less than 15% of what authorities need to end the MPOX epidemic in Congo. The epicenter of a global health crisis.

When MPOX spread outside the African continent in 2022, wealthy countries responded quickly with stockpiled vaccines and treatments. However, Only a few vaccines have arrived in Africa Despite pleas from governments.

Kaseya said the first batch of vaccines promised to combat new outbreaks in Congo was due to arrive on Sept. 1 at the earliest, after delays caused by problems with paperwork and emergency authorization.

Dr Ngasi Ngongo, Africa CDC's incident manager for MPOX, said the batch includes 50,000 doses pledged by the US government and 15,000 from the vaccine alliance GAVI.

“Now we just wait for the US government regarding the transfer of the vaccines,” Ngongo said.

Congo has also asked Japan for at least two million doses of vaccines that are particularly effective in protecting children, and negotiations are “quite advanced,” he said.

of New mpox mutants The virus, which was first detected in Congo and is believed to be the cause of the ongoing outbreak, is already causing “significant” community-level transmission in other areas, Ngongo said.

Neighbouring Burundi, for example, recorded about 800 MPOX cases last month, he said.

The United States donated 10,000 doses of the MPOX vaccine to Nigeria on Tuesday, the first known donation to Africa since the outbreak began, where the disease is endemic. Nigeria has recorded 40 cases of MPOX this year, according to the Nigeria CDC.

The Africa CDC said it was developing a unified response plan for the outbreak and would present it to African leaders for consideration at a meeting in September.

So far, African countries have promoted health measures and hygiene practices that are slowing the spread of the MPOX virus, Kaseya said.

But experts say such measures will be difficult to implement in Congo, where millions of people are fleeing violence. Packed into evacuation camps In the midst of a decade-long humanitarian crisis.

“Humanitarian organizations are struggling to contain the spread of the disease due to a lack of resources,” said Heather Carr, the International Rescue Committee's representative in Congo, adding that children are particularly vulnerable.


Associated Press writer Gerald Imhle in Cape Town, South Africa, contributed.




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