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More than half of U.S. baby foods fail WHO nutritional standards: Study – National

More than half of U.S. baby foods fail WHO nutritional standards: Study – National
More than half of U.S. baby foods fail WHO nutritional standards: Study – National


High sodium content, too much sugar, or misleading labels. Infant and child food A new study suggests that beans sold in the US may not be as nutritious as they appear.

Release Date August 21 NutrientsThe survey revealed that most of these products World Health Organization (WHO).

Of the 651 products analysed, 70 percent did not meet protein needs, 44 percent exceeded recommended sugar levels, one in four products did not meet calorie needs and one in five exceeded recommended sodium limits, the study said.

The study did not reveal names or brands of the foods, but lead author Elizabeth Dunford, an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina, told Global News that some of the products studied are also sold in Canadian grocery stores.

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“We do have some of the same brands, and I think Canada is more closely aligned with the U.S. than any other country when it comes to labels,” she said.

Dunford argued that labelling and nutrition are crucial because childhood is a critical period of rapid development when taste preferences and eating habits are established. Choices made during childhood can lead to chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and even cancer later in life, he said.

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“Time-poor parents are increasingly opting for convenience foods, believing them to be healthier than they actually are, unaware that many of these foods lack key nutrients necessary for children's development,” she added.

The researchers argue that despite U.S. health guidelines recommending that infants not be fed foods high in added sugars and sodium, infants and young children around the world, including in the United States, often do not meet these recommendations.

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In Canada, infant and young child foods are: Safe Food for Canadians ActIt requires companies to properly label their products' nutritional information, including calorie, sodium and sugar levels.

There are sodium limits for foods for infants aged 6 to 12 months, but other nutritional guidelines such as sugar and fat are set by the Canadian Food and Drug Administration. Nutritional Guidelines for Healthy Full-Term Infants.

But the problem with recommendations is that there are no standards for what is acceptable for a product, Dunford said.

“There are absolutely no restrictions. One of the things I would like to see is that these products do not meet health performance standards such as sodium restrictions. If a product does not meet those standards, then the product cannot make a claim,” she said.

She explained that many companies add “noise claims” to their packaging, such as “no added sugar,” to give the misleading impression that they are healthy. These claims contribute to what experts call a “health halo effect” that permeates around these baby food products.

For example, labels like “sugar-free” or “organic” can give the impression that a product overall is more nutritious, even if it's still high in other unhealthy ingredients like sodium and fat, she said.

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Baby food rules are “Wild West”

The researchers looked at the nutritional content and promotions of infant and toddler foods (ages 6-36 months) sold by the top 10 grocery store chains in the United States in 2023. Stores surveyed included Walmart, Kroger, Costco, Ahold Delhaize, Publix, Sam's Club, Target and Aldi.

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Infant formula, fortified milk, and oral electrolytes are not included because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates these products separately.

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The product is WHO Nutrition Promotion Profile Model (NPPM) RequirementsDunford explained that the guidelines were chosen because the WHO sets high, healthy standards for infant formula, which she noted are often lacking in many countries.

“It's almost like a lawless zone when it comes to regulating baby food,” Dunford said, adding that without proper regulation nutrition claims could go unchecked.

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The study found that of the 651 products surveyed, 60 percent did not meet the NPPM's nutritional requirements and no products met the promotional requirements. Nearly 100 percent of the products had at least one NPPM-prohibited claim on their packaging, with some products bearing as many as 11 prohibited claims. Snack-size packages were least compliant with nutritional requirements.

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Among all products, the lowest compliance rate was for “protein content” (29%) and the highest was for “total fat” (92.7%).

Only 55% of products complied with the total sugars recommendation, with “dry or semi-dry snacks and finger foods” having the lowest compliance.

WHO baby food guidelines say age labels should state age in years or months, but researchers say many products imply age using vague terms like “sitting,” “toddler,” “crawling baby” or “toddler.”

Fruit pouches: use with caution

The researchers also found that baby food pouches are the fastest growing segment of the market, with sales increasing 900 percent over the past 13 years.

The pouch products were among the least healthy products assessed, meeting the recommended limit for total sugars by less than 7%.

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Andrea Carpenter, a registered dietitian and owner of NutriKidz in Toronto, said fruit pouches are marketed primarily for convenience.

“Parents are busy and as parents we're looking for shortcuts, and it's unfortunate that we can't always rely on products that are probably specifically aimed at kids. One of the big concerns I have about the pouches is that they can become a staple in a toddler's diet,” she said.

Carpenter warned that while fruit pouches are OK in moderation, they often contain high amounts of sugar and can prevent children from mastering basic skills like biting, chewing and swallowing. Introducing a variety of textures into a baby's diet is crucial for their development, she said.

When it comes to recommended sugar intake, Canada has no specific guidelines, she said.

“For children under 2, it's recommended to avoid sugar and keep it to a minimum, so we want to keep added sugar to a minimum,” she said.

While Dunford doesn't expect any changes to baby food regulations any time soon, she believes the findings should serve as a wake-up call for policymakers. In the meantime, she encourages parents to educate themselves about nutrition labels on baby products.

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Carpenter thinks that grocery store baby foods like fruit pouches and rice crackers are okay to feed in moderation, but she stresses the importance of getting creative to make sure your child is getting the right nutrition.

“I think something like larger rice rusks or little star-shaped puffs would be a great way to practice skills like scissor grasping,” she said.

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“And it's a great way to provide texture for kids who are a little nervous about eating on their own. It can also be used as a carrier for other foods. For example, the larger rice rusks are more nutritious. [ingredients] “You can use foods in a more appropriate way, like hummus or mashed avocado, and give your child better nutrition.”

She stressed that a key tip for the first few years of a child's life is to keep sugar and sodium intake to a minimum, and when cooking at home, it's best to avoid adding too much salt or sugar.

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Carpenter also recommends cooking in bulk to save time: She suggests making large quantities of homemade baby food and freezing it in small containers, labeled with the contents and ingredients.

“Incorporate a variety of flavors and textures and introduce your baby to flavors and foods that you all typically enjoy. The ultimate goal is for your baby to eat meals with the whole family,” Carpenter says.




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