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News – Table Tennis Australia

News – Table Tennis Australia
News – Table Tennis Australia


Are you passionate about developing the next generation of elite athletes?

Table Tennis Australia is looking for experienced and motivated High-Performance coaches to join the Next Generation 2032 program.

This is a great opportunity to work with talented athletes and contribute to their journey to sporting excellence. If you are successful, you will work with Australia’s elite table tennis athletes, including members of the National Squad and Pathway ID Squad.

So if you have a strong background as a coach in a high performance environment, are committed to athlete development, can mentor and inspire athletes through excellent communication and leadership skills, and are a highly motivated and goal-oriented lifelong learner, then we want to hear from you!

Help Australian table tennis make its mark on the world stage.

Opening hours and location:

This is a full-time contract position for two (2) years, with a fixed salary per year. Due to the nature of this role and the sports industry in general, evening and weekend work is required, as well as occasional travel.

This role will likely require you to live in Melbourne.

How to apply:

For the full job description please see the attached PDF

All expressions of interest require a covering letter (no longer than 2 pages) addressing the selection criteria outlined in the job description. A copy of your CV is also required, which can be emailed directly to [email protected].

Applications that do not meet the above requirements will not be processed.

Registrations close at 5pm AEST Friday 4thand October 2024.

About Table Tennis Australia:

Table Tennis Australia Ltd. (TTA) is the national peak body responsible for the performance, governance, development, promotion and management of table tennis in Australia. As an Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games sport, the organisation offers an attractive opportunity for an aspiring coach to take their career to the next level.

About the Next Generation 2032 Coaching Program:

The Next Generation 2032 Coaching Program, supported by the AIS, aims to: to increase the number and diversity of Australian elite coaches who can make a positive contribution to future Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games.

Collaborate directly with the national selection with regard to training and competition opportunities, the successful coach will be fully integrated into the program, including ongoing collaboration with AIS staff and participation in AIS forums, thus preparing him/herself for a long-term career as a high-performance coach, through the program and beyond.




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