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Edmonton Oilers defeated Canucks 3-2 in shootout

Edmonton Oilers defeated Canucks 3-2 in shootout


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The Oilers and Canucks played a bit of a sleeper match for more than 40 minutes Monday night at Rogers Place.

There still seems to be quite a bit of rust in the Oilers game, while a diligent Canucks team made life difficult for Edmonton. But this particular Vancouver lineup, on the other hand, didn't have the skill to give them the W.

The match turned entertaining in the O/T and ended in Oilers favor with a goal from Viktor Arvidsson in the shootout.

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Here's the story of the tape

STUART SKINNER The Oilers starting goaltender was outstanding. A few big stops during a goal-mouth scramble. Stoned Smith on a 1-timer. Then he stopped it again late in the first. A sharp save through heavy traffic early in the third. Big stop later in the third on Sprong. He stoned him again in Overtime. And wait for it to boot up another Leap Drive in the shootout. Stopped 21 of 23. The Oilers #1 looks ready to rock.

LEON DRAISAITL The trio of Draisaitl, Arvidsson and Skinner had the chemistry in the opening shift and created a good chance, but they seemed to get used to each other for the rest of the match as they played 5v5. A close call in the second, but Skinner couldn't convert a Leon feed. A shift later, Leon stopped two attackers while giving Skinner another chance. Good chance for a 97 pass. Great defensive play on Leap in extra time. Hammered one house in the shootout. 61% on draws.

VIKTOR ARVIDSSON The playing was good, even if the line itself was a bit off. There was a loud bang from the hashers after Draisaitl found him all alone in the high slot. Couldn't find the net late in the second on a good pass from Gleason. Started the 2-1 run from behind the net and then posed a threat up front as the Gleason puck went by. Won the game in the shootout with a perfect deke. Especially like his hustle.

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JEFF SKINNER Spent most of the night fighting it. Couldn't find the handle of a Leon pass in the second. Found the range on another Leon feed, but Vancouver's goalie had the answer. Nasty competition in OT.

CONNOR McDAVID McDavid and Draisaitl added some magic to the power play in the first period, but Leon put it through the goalkeeper's legs and wide. Great feed for Podkolzin, but the latter's stick was lifted. He walked his old teammate Desharnais for a chance late in the period. A nice one-touch pass to Corey Perry at 1-1. Fed the point for the Gleason slacker at 2-1. Got a stretch pass from Stecher and gave it to Leon for a chance. Set up Gleason in OT, but the backline couldn't finish it. Puck ripped off his stick during the firefight.

VASILY PODKOLKIN Couldn't get a handle on a great feed from McDavid late in the first round. A few hard hits in the second period. It seemed to fade into the background a bit in the third.

COREY PERRY Great chance late in the second, but just missed the puck in the open net. After a nice effort between him and McDavid the goal became 1-1. Perry took a deft touch pass from ninety-seven, beat a pair of defenders and then slotted home a backhand and forehand. He got dirty when a Canucks player took a couple of custodial shots at 97. That's nice to see. CF of 78% 5v5.

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ADAM HENRIQUE Smart veteran game. A dangerous turnover in the first off, a good feed from Brown. Smart tip and clear on the PK early in the third. Another experienced stick managed to leave the zone in extra time. 64% on draws.

CONNOR BROWN Hurried. Fed Henrique for an early fix. He looked to have the winning goal on his stick but was caught from behind before he could get it away.

MATTIA JANMARK An excellent pass for the second period that Caggiula could not convert.

JAAMES HAMBLIN Quiet night, but no major mistakes either. I'm not sure he did enough to earn a roster spot.

DRAKE CAGGIULA An excellent opportunity up front later in the first inning. Wasn't as noticeable in the second half of the game, but still solid (CF% of 73% 5v5). Was good in the preseason.

LANE PEDERSON Played on the grand piano again tonight. A blocked shot and then a call in the first period. A hard blow later in the period. His best game of the season. But will it be too little too late?

BRETT OOR A smart first period stays in front of his own net to exploit a Vancouver opportunity. Played a very calm, even game there and looked very much like the experienced NHL D-man that he is.

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JOSH BROWN Beat the puck square, including a fumble along the wall that he then froze with the Henrique line at the end of their shift. Won a puck battle for an out on a 3rd Period PK. But not a great evening. Big dangers 3-5 5v5.

TRAVIS DERMOTT Sharp recovery at the offensive blueline to avoid a jailbreak by the Canucks. An impressive job catching Sherwood on a developing play in the neutral zone. Good defensive stick. Earned the second assist on the Perry goal. Big dangers 3-1 5v5. Didn't spoil his chances with a solid effort.

TROY STEKER Had a good scoop including feed, which gave Caggiula good opportunities. Had a great look late in the frame but shot the puck wide. Good late second period clear. A rush and shot in the third, followed by a hard drive to the net and a backhand chance. Beautiful stretch pass to ninety-seven that created a scoring opportunity for Draisaitl. Big dangers 4-2 5v5. Did himself a favor tonight, you'd think.

BEN GLEASON Good stop during a PK shift in the second period. Fed Arvidsson for a late chance in the second period. Nice feed to a breaking ninety-seven late. It almost ended in OT after a setup by McDavid. With the Oilers' traditional puck movers not in play, Gleason got some PP time and performed well. Big dangers 3-0 5v5. At the very least, force his name into the conversation.

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TY EMBERSON Struggled. A well managed clean sheet in front of his own net to clear a puck out of danger. A shot at the net further into the frame. In the second inning, he deflected the puck in his own end a few times and couldn't stop the pass at 1-0. Retrieved the puck from behind the net on the PK. Shot block in OT, one of 5. 3 giveaways.

Now on Topics @klavins. You can also find me on Twitter @KurtLeavins, Instagram at LeavinsOnHockey and Mastodon at [email protected]. This article is not AI-generated.

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