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60 seniors will advance in the voting process for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2025

60 seniors will advance in the voting process for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2025
60 seniors will advance in the voting process for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2025


  • The screening committee's recommendations are sent to the blue ribbon committee for further reductions

Sixty individuals have advanced to the next stage in the voting process for the Pro Football Hall of Fame's Class of 2025 in the Senior category. Considering that, any former player could have appeared last in a professional football game in the 1999 season.

Each member of the Senior Screening Committee, a new entity formed this year to provide additional input around the overall selection process, voted for 50 individuals from a list of 182 nominees, consisting of 100 attacking players, 77 defensive players and five special teamers. All players who finished in 50th place remain eligible.

The separate Seniors Blue-Ribbon Committee, made up of nine people, will implement further reductions in increases in the coming weeks. In late fall, this committee will select three seniors as finalists for possible election with the Class of 2025 presented by Visual Edge IT.

The players who remain eligible for the Class of 2025 are:

QUARTERLY (5): Ken Anderson, Charlie Conerly, Roman Gabriel, Jack Kemp, Jim Plunkett.

RUNNING BACKS (7): Alan Ameche, Ottis Anderson, Larry Brown, Roger Craig, Chuck Foreman, Cecil Isbell, Paul “Tank” Younger.

WIDE RECEIVERS/TIGHT ENDS (10): Mark Clayton, Isaac Curtis, Boyd Dowler, Henry Ellard, Harold Jackson, Billy “White Shoes” Johnson, Stanley Morgan, Art Powell, Sterling Sharpe, Otis Taylor.

OFFENSIVE LINE MAN (12): Ed Budde, Ox Emerson, Bill Fralic, Chris Hinton, Joe Jacoby, Mike Kenn, Bob Kuechenberg, George Kunz, Ralph Neely, Dick Schafrath, Jim Tyrer, Al Wistert.

DEFENSIVE LINE MAN (6): LC Greenwood, Ed “Too Tall” Jones, Jim Marshall, Harvey Martin, Leslie O'Neal, Bill Stanfill.

LINEBACKERS (11): Carl Banks, Maxie Baughan, Bill Bergey, Joe Fortunato, Larry Grantham, Lee Roy Jordan, Clay Matthews Jr., Tommy Nobis, Andy Russell, Pat Swilling, Phil Villapiano.

DEFENSIVE BACKS (8): Dick Anderson, Deron Cherry, Pat Fischer, Lester Hayes, Albert Lewis, Eddie Meador, Lemar Parrish, Everson Walls.

SPECIAL TEAMS (1): Steve Tasker.

This year's reduction votes will be processed through online voting platforms developed specifically for the Pro Football Hall of Fame by the firm Ernst & Young, LLC.

EY has been overseeing the election process since the Centennial Class of 2020.

The Pro Football Hall of Fame's Class of 2025 will be enshrined in Canton next August.




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