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Sue Gray: The puppet master behind Labor's Partygate plot, Boris was right all along

Sue Gray: The puppet master behind Labor's Partygate plot, Boris was right all along


Last night we saw an interview on ITV, in which Boris Johnson, in his trademark unflinching manner, took a moment to remind the British public of something crucial that the media, and many people in the corridors of the power, have chosen to neglect.

Slippery Sue Gray, who Labor presented as the bastion of impartiality during the infamous Partygate investigations, is now chief of staff to none other than Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer.

One can only be amazed at how quickly the media overcame this striking conflict of interest. Boris was absolutely right to highlight this glaring fact during the interview. But let me say, with some force, that Boris has been far too generous in his restraint. He should have gone much further.

Let's look at the case of Lord Allia's prominent Labor peer who, lest we forget, donated $10,000 to the election campaign of Sue Gray's own son, Liam Conlon. This is not a trivial donation, nor an ephemeral act of charity, but an important contribution to a campaign linked to the very cause of the Labor Party. And who, pray tell, authorized a pass into Downing Street for this same Lord Alli during Gray's tenure as senior civil servant presiding over Downing Street? Well, none other than Sue Gray herself.

Sue Grays son Liam Conlon (left) with his mother Sue Gray and the late Labor politician and life peer Tessa Jowell. Photo credit: Screenshot / Twitter

This is not a coincidence; This is not a coincidence. This is the very essence of political cronyism. While Boris Johnson was castigated, pilloried and dragged through the streets of public opinion, it seemed that Sue Gray was quietly positioning herself and her family closer to Labour's inner sanctum.

And yet, what do we hear from ITV journalist Tom Brady when Boris attempts to bring these facts to light? He tries to silence him, interrupting him with an almost comical abruptness. It was ridiculous in every sense of the word. ITV, that self-proclaimed bastion of “balanced” reporting, suddenly found it inappropriate for Boris to talk about Sue Gray in his absence, as if he were committing an unspeakable breach of decorum.

Where, may I ask, was this journalistic propriety when ITV was dissecting Dominic Cummings day after day, without even inviting him to defend himself?

And let's not forget another key player in this sordid story. During these same Partygate investigations, Sue Gray hired one of the best lawyers in the country, Daniel Stilitz, then QC. And what have we discovered about this supposedly impartial legal mind? Well, it turns out Mr Stilitz has been encouraging people to join the Labor Party and writing despicable things about Boris Johnson on Twitter for years. You just couldn't make it up!

With such figures pulling the strings behind the scenes, it's no wonder Boris never stood a chance. The scales of justice were rigged from the start.

Yet the failure of the mainstream media to reveal all of this has been nothing short of a farce. This was evident as a display of political gamesmanship so transparent that it could be seen from space. And yet the media has deliberately ignored these key facts time and time again. Sue Gray was out to get Boris Johnson from the start and she executed her plan with precision. This was tailoring of the highest order, meticulously crafted by the hands of the British Labor Party. Unfortunately, many in the conservative ranks were far too naive and overconfident to recognize what it really was at the time.

And where is Sue Gray now? Chief of Staff of the Labor Party of course, guiding Starmer's ship with a firm hand, his “impartial mask” abandoned in favor of partisan ambitions. And what about those blind Conservative MPs who couldn't see this great conspiracy unfolding before their eyes? Most of them have lost their jobs and must lick their wounds in political oblivion.

Let's be frank. It was never about justice, nor the so-called integrity of our democratic process. It was about power, with the socialist Labor Party positioning itself for its return to Downing Street, with Sue Gray leading the way.

Boris Johnson was driven from office not by the will of the people, but by a system rigged against him, by political operatives who masked their intentions behind investigations and reports. It is a betrayal that hurts not only Boris, but also the Conservative Party and democracy itself.

The lesson here is clear: When those who seek to destroy you claim to be acting in the name of truth, it is wise to watch their hands. Because in politics, it is often those who claim a moral high ground who dig your grave.

Claire Bullivant, editor

[email protected]

Main photo: Screenshot from ITV interview with Boris Johnson




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