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Nature Special Representative Appointed to Landmark First

Nature Special Representative Appointed to Landmark First


The UK government has appointed Ruth Davis OBE as its first Special Representative for Nature. This groundbreaking announcement comes as the UN Convention on Biological Diversity COP16 conference in Colombia marks its first official day.

Ruth Davis is one of the country's leading environmental policy experts with more than 25 years of experience working on nature restoration and climate change issues.

Ms Davis previously advised the Government, including on securing an international pledge to end deforestation signed by 145 countries when she hosted COP26. She has played a leading role supporting negotiators and ministers and has previously worked with some of the UK's leading nature organizations including the RSPB and Plantlife. She holds a Masters in Plant Science from the University of Reading and a Diploma in Botanical Horticulture from the University of Kew.

Her appointment comes as environment ministers gather in Colombia to discuss conservation and sustainable use of the world's biodiversity. The Global Biodiversity Framework was agreed at COP15 in Montreal, where more than 150 countries signed and committed to halting and reversing global natural decline.

Miss Davis will begin her role as Special Representative for Nature later this month and will attend COP16 in her current role as nature advocate alongside a UK delegation led by Environment Secretary Steve Reed.

This is a joint role between the FCDO and Defra and Mr Davis will report to both the Environment Secretary and the Foreign Secretary.

Environment Minister Steve Reed said:

We cannot solve the nature and climate crises without coordinated global action. That's why we appointed Ruth as Landmark's first Special Representative for Nature, who will champion our ambition to put climate and nature at the center of our foreign policy.

We depend on nature in all aspects of our lives. Nature supports our economy, health and society. But progress to restore wildlife and habitats is too slow. Ruth’s extensive knowledge and expertise are essential to delivering on our promise to put nature on the path to recovery.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy said:

One million species are at risk of extinction, including one-third of marine mammals and coral reefs. Wildlife populations have declined 73% since 1970, largely due to 83% declines in freshwater species.

Climate and natural emergencies are the most profound and pervasive causes of global disorder. I am delighted that Ruth Davis has joined us as the UK's first Special Representative for Nature to help us achieve our goal of a livable planet for all, now and in the future.

Ruth Davis, Special Representative of Nature, said:

Governments have recognized that the natural crisis is equally as serious as the climate crisis. And we cannot solve one without solving the other. Ecosystems and the species they support are essential to maintaining food security, reducing health risks and managing the impacts of rising global temperatures.

I am pleased to work with my colleagues in government and partners around the world to address this urgent challenge. In particular, ensuring that the rules and incentives that govern the global economy are conducive to protecting and restoring nature. And we invest in the commitment, knowledge and passion of local people who are critical to protecting the places they live.

The announcement of a Special Representative for Nature follows the confirmation announced last month that Rachel Kyte will take on the role of the UK's Special Representative for Climate.

The Special Representative will support Ministers to set out global ambitions for nature recovery and climate change. They will foster engagement with international leaders and build influence on the global stage to achieve the UK's strategic objectives.




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