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The United Nations Development Program launches the reconstruction of a comprehensive school, funded by Croatia, in the earthquake-damaged province of Hatay.

The United Nations Development Program launches the reconstruction of a comprehensive school, funded by Croatia, in the earthquake-damaged province of Hatay.


Within the framework of a €2.5 million project, Hayreddin Ozkan Middle School will be rebuilt as a model of inclusive education, welcoming children with disabilities.

22 October 2024, Hatay – Today, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) organized a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of the reconstruction of Hayreddin Ozkan Middle School, which was destroyed along with the surrounding community in the earthquakes that occurred in February 2023. At a cost of 2.5 million euros, UNDP will, Which was allocated by the Government of Croatia, to rebuild and fully equip the 16-room school, which will accommodate 480 students at a time.

In addition, two more schools, one in Adıyaman and the other in Kahramanmaraş, will be equipped to ensure full accessibility for students and teachers with disabilities; Wheelchairs and other assistive devices will be provided for at least ten students with disabilities; Guidelines for inclusive education will be developed in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education.

“Türkiye showed great solidarity when Croatia was hit by a devastating earthquake in December 2020,” Croatian Ambassador Hrvoje Cvetanovic said. “We have not forgotten, and that is why we feel our duty to contribute to the recovery in Türkiye after the earthquakes.”

“Safe and strong schools are vital to convince thousands who left earthquake-affected areas after the disaster to return home,” said UNDP Resident Representative Louisa Fenton. “Building back better, as we are doing here in creating a model for inclusive education, is a way to restore hope and a sense of normalcy to children and families in the region.”

Hayrettin Ozkan Middle School is located in the earthquake-damaged Esenlik neighborhood of Antakya, and will be restored with a total area of ​​2,923 square meters. The reconstructed school will have a multi-purpose hall with sports equipment, a theater with a preparation room, a lunch room kitchen, locker rooms, a cafeteria, a library, a science laboratory, a counseling room, a school-family association office, and a support office. Education room and two rooms for teachers.

In line with the UNDP principle of “leaving no one behind”, the school will ensure full physical accessibility for children and adults with disabilities, using the latest technologies and universal design principles. In addition, tailored support will be provided to students with disabilities, including assistive devices and personal assistance when needed.

Since signing the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education ten months ago, UNDP has been exploring various potential sites for the school; He studied soil samples to understand how best to weatherproof the rebuilt school; Conduct an assessment of the needs of students, families, teachers, and local administrative staff; I prepared a conceptual design and architectural project. The school's construction is expected to be completed no later than September 2025.

In addition to the reconstruction, the initiative will provide comprehensive training programs for teachers and school staff and ensure that students and teachers, including persons with disabilities, have access to modern, safe and advanced educational facilities. The school design will also incorporate green and energy-efficient features, in line with Turkey's digital and green transformation goals for education. This aspect is crucial to ensuring that the education system in Hatay is not only restored, but also improved, preparing students to face future challenges.

“It is necessary to restore unrestricted access to education for children with disabilities in the earthquake-affected area,” Hatay Deputy Governor Gokay Ichen said. “We are grateful to Croatia and UNDP for this initiative to create a disability-friendly model in both architecture and approach, so that children with disabilities can learn and play with their peers.”

For more information:

Deniz Ciller Tapan, Communications Specialist UNDP Turkey, [email protected]




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