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Antibiotics and antifungal drugs may slightly impact Parkinson's risk, study finds

Antibiotics and antifungal drugs may slightly impact Parkinson's risk, study finds


A Rutgers Health study found that people who took multiple courses of penicillin antibiotics had a slightly lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, a surprising finding that explains the complex relationship between bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract and brain health. The researchers say that this reveals a strong relationship.

This research Parkinsonism and related diseasesanalyzed the medical records of more than 93,000 people in the UK. Researchers found that people who took five or more courses of penicillin antibiotics in the five years before diagnosis had about a 15% lower risk of Parkinson's disease than people who did not take antibiotics.

“There is an inverse relationship between the number of courses of penicillin and the risk of Parkinson's disease over multiple time periods,” said Jean Pal, a neurologist at Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and lead author of the study. We found that there was a dose-response relationship.” “This was unexpected and in contrast to some previous studies.”

The discovery adds to evidence that the trillions of microorganisms living in the human gastrointestinal tract may be involved in Parkinson's disease, a progressive brain disorder that affects movement and balance. It became a thing. Some researchers believe that inflammation and toxins from certain intestinal bacteria may contribute to the development of the disease.

“The idea is that the disease starts in the gut, and inflammation of the gut can make it more susceptible to leaky gut, allowing toxins and inflammation to reach the brain through the vagus nerve,” Pal said.

To investigate the potential link between gut bacteria and Parkinson's disease, researchers examined anonymized medical records from a large UK database. They compared 12,557 people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease to 80,804 similar people without Parkinson's disease.

In addition to the reduced risks associated with penicillin use, the study found that people who took two or more courses of antifungal drugs in the five years before diagnosis had an approximately 16% increased risk of Parkinson's disease. This is consistent with results obtained in a previous Finnish study.

But Pal said these associations are relatively small and should not influence medical decisions.

“These are all very mild and should not influence decisions about when to use antibiotics or antifungals,” he said. “The importance of this study is that it speaks to the idea that something happening in the gut microbiome can influence Parkinson's disease.”

The study has limitations, including the inability to account for other bacterial behaviors, such as the patient's diet.

Still, Pal said the findings support further research into how the gut microbiome influences Parkinson's risk.

“The fact that a drug taken for just a few days to slightly change the microbiome changes the risk of Parkinson's disease makes, to me, a stronger case that the microbiome is involved,” he said. Ta.

Parkinson's disease affects more than 10 million people worldwide, and the number of cases is expected to increase as the population ages. Although the exact cause is unknown, researchers believe that a combination of genetic and environmental factors cause the disease. There is no definitive clinical test, so the diagnosis is primarily based on symptoms.

Pal said follow-up studies will include investigating whether certain fungi and bacteria in the gut are associated with the risk of Parkinson's disease.

“A deeper understanding of what the antifungal components are in the gut, which really hasn't been well studied, could help us differentiate between Parkinson's and non-Parkinson's patients. “It will help confirm that,” he said.

Researchers also want to see if changing levels of certain gut bacteria could reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease or change the course of the disease in patients who have already been diagnosed. That's what I think.




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