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Harris focuses final argument on Trump, saying he's dangerous

Harris focuses final argument on Trump, saying he's dangerous


WASHINGTON With Election Day just days away, Vice President Kamala Harris is weighing in on a final argument centered on attacking former President Donald Trump as a danger, an approach that campaign officials say will undermine him. will help both win over remaining undecided voters and motivate her base, according to four Harris aides familiar with the strategy.

The approach will not be monotonous, her advisers said, but will also seek to highlight her vision and explain what she would do in office.

The plan to hammer Trump harder and more aggressively in the final days has already begun to come to fruition. On Wednesday, Harris said she thought Trump was a fascist during a town hall meeting. She appeared in a series of moderated discussions with Liz Cheney, the former Republican congresswoman who served on the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack and who has been a vocal critic of Trump. And on Thursday, Harris gave an unscheduled speech focused on Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, confirming that Trump had praised Adolf Hitler's generals.

The Harris campaign also announced that she would deliver a speech Tuesday in Ellipse Park outside the White House, the site where Trump spoke shortly before the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, which critics and prosecutors named as the catalyst for the attack.

This campaign is looking at their targets and what their data says, and they're making what appear to be sound decisions, said Cornell Belcher, a veteran Democratic pollster who worked on Obama's two successful presidential campaigns. This is a conventional political strategy that goes back a long, long time, that you continue to pursue the case and fire the outgoing president. And, in this case, they act as if Trump is the incumbent president because he was the one who was elected president.

While the Ellipse speech is expected to be a sweeping speech that also lays out her vision for power, some Democrats worry that Harris is too focused on Trump and not enough on the affirmative arguments for why she is uniquely qualified to be president.

Ashley Etienne, who previously worked as Harris' vice director of presidential communications, highlighted Harris' responses during a CNN town hall and said she heard several people express frustration at not talking more about her plans .

By now, everyone knows the arguments against Trump. “I don’t think you can convince people about Donald Trump,” Etienne said. I believe people see her as an agent of change… Where she fails is that she has not risen above the political toxicity of Donald Trump in the fray to explain why she is the right leader for the moment.

Etienne added: “Its history is what makes America great. People want more meat on the bones. More poetry about who we are as a nation, why she's the right leader, and what that vision of the future looks like.

One Democratic lawmaker said he was concerned that Harris was not prepared to answer questions about the legislation she would pass and should have relied on an economic populist message.

Trump's campaign has sought to distance him from the line of criticism and he categorically rejects that he poses a threat to democracy. He attacked Kelly after his comments were published.

The Harris campaign says the plan will swing some undecided voters, a large portion of whom are disaffected Republicans or independents. His campaign estimates that in seven battleground states, 7% of the electorate are undecided Republican-leaning voters and about 3% are young voters likely to be people of color, according to three sources familiar with his thinking. the countryside.

Campaign officials said they are working hard to attract these voters because they say if they can persuade them to participate, these voters will be more likely to support Harris.

Americans are making a choice and elections are about how you want to live your life, what kinds of freedoms you want, said a source familiar with the vice president's thinking and her campaign. Do you want to live under a democracy or someone who wants to be a dictator from day one? And when it comes to that last group of undecided voters deciding what they're going to do, it really comes down to how they want to live their lives and they want their families to live their lives and that's why she makes this contrast very harsh.

Harris launched her campaign with a message of joy, and in recent days, some Democrats have questioned the effectiveness of resorting to a more aggressive mode of attack. But the source close to Harris added that Harris and her aides believe the same issues that pushed voters to elect a Democrat in 2020 are still at play now, as Trump remains a danger to the Constitution.

The joy part is awesome. It's wonderful to see this come back into national politics, the person said. But at the end of the day, when people go to the voting booth to decide how they're going to vote, they're thinking about the impact this election is going to have on my life, the lives of my family, and the people I love.

Despite the focus on Trump, campaign aides point out that Harris continues to talk about what she wants to do if elected, including in paid advertising and on social media.

On Wednesday, Harris posted on X, Trump has an enemies list. I have a to-do list as well as a list of 14 things she plans to do if elected. The list included cutting taxes for more than 100 million Americans, strengthening Medicare and protecting Social Security, passing a bipartisan border security bill, restoring reproductive rights, expanding Medicare to cover home care for the elderly and disabled and promoting gun safety laws.

On Friday evening, Harris is expected to deliver a landmark speech on reproductive freedom in Houston, where she will be joined by women and men who have faced the consequences of state-level abortion bans since the case fell Roe v. Wade.

Either Donald Trump is there, stewing, stewing on his enemies list, or I'm working for you, checking off my to-do list, you have the power to make that decision, Harris said while campaigning for office. first time alongside former President Barack Obama. in Georgia.

The Harris campaign says it is also working to understand what messages might impact the small number of undecided voters who remain in key battleground states.

Harris is also trying to avoid a political message aimed at undecided voters like the kind of voters who supported former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley in the Republican primary and who might hold conservative views but don't like Trump, according to two sources close to the campaign. .

Instead, Harris campaign officials say those voters are more likely to be won over by Kelly's remarks. The former chief of staff said Trump spoke positively about Hitler and wanted generals like Hitler, adding that Trump met the general definition of a fascist.

Belcher, the Democratic pollster, said he doesn't see Harris focusing on Trump and defining herself as distinct, but rather as part of an overall message reminding voters of Trump's flaws and Harris' qualification.

There's always a conversation about a balance between how much you talk about yourself and how much you talk about your opponent, he said. I think their final point about moving on from the Trump era was kind of chaos and division and moving forward, I don't see that as a conversation about it as well. I think it's a perfect pivot. It’s an indictment of the chaos and division that is Trump.

Pete Giangreco, a longtime Democratic strategist who worked on Obama's presidential campaigns, agrees with this strategy.

This message about democracy is twofold, removing some conservative votes but also motivating sporadic votes from Democrats, he said. The two most motivating messages for Democratic participation are those around abortion and democracy.

Some Harris campaign officials echoed that argument.

Next week's Ellipse speech is intended as a reminder of the chaos and divisions of the Trump era, particularly the destruction of the Capitol on January 6, his inaction in the face of continued violence, his subsequent declaration of beau day and its continued promise. to pardon people jailed after being convicted of attacks on police, a senior campaign official said. The official added that this would both rally his base and reach convincing voters.

Harris' speech will not focus exclusively on Jan. 6, the senior campaign official said, emphasizing that it will be an overarching speech laying out her vision for the country, what her presidency would look like and what it would look like Trump's second presidency from here. contrast.

Another source close to the campaign said the speech was a natural extension of Harris' targeting of Republicans and campaigning with Cheney. The person said going there ties a bow around a central final argument.

At the same time, the campaign is also trying to adapt its message.

A Harris pollster said giving more information about Harris to people like undecided black men in focus groups helped sway them in her favor. Spreading information about his past positions and political ideas in spaces frequented by black men would be helpful, the investigator said.

Still, some Democrats who have worked with Harris worry that the focus is too much on Trump and not on Harris' unique skills and vision.

A longtime Democratic strategist with close ties to Harris said Harris should tell voters she understands she's engaged in a job interview and wants to answer any final questions the people might have about it. The person added that Harris should also proactively answer questions such as how she plans to bring Americans together and how she plans to maintain America's standing in the world.




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