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USA Table Tennis | USA Table Tennis Announces Two Major Back-to-Back Events in 2025: US Nationals 2025 and Inaugural WTT US Smash

USA Table Tennis | USA Table Tennis Announces Two Major Back-to-Back Events in 2025: US Nationals 2025 and Inaugural WTT US Smash


Colorado Springs, CO (October 25, 2024) USA Table Tennis (USATT) is pleased to announce two premier table tennis events for 2025: the inaugural WTT United States Smash and the 2025 US citizens. These two events will take place back-to-back, with the US Nationals scheduled from June 28 to July 4 in Ontario, California (outside Los Angeles), followed by the inaugural WTT US Smash in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 3 to 13. The proximity of the two events encourages US Nationals participants to commute to Las Vegas to witness the battle of the world's best table tennis athletes after the end of their competition.

US Citizens 2025: June 28 – July 4, 2025, Ontario, California

The 2025 US citizens will take place Ontario, Californiaby June 28 to July 4, 2025at the Ontario Convention Center. After a successful 2023 US Open, USATT returns to sunny Southern California for another premier event. During the U.S. National Championships, athletes from across the country will compete for national titles and national team ranking points in more than a hundred events.

“Southern California Ontario and the region are looking forward to hosting the US Nationals! This is a great opportunity to showcase the Ontario Convention Center while welcoming athletes and visitors to explore our destination.” said Michael K. Krouse, President & CEO of Greater Ontario, California.

The US Nationals dates have been carefully selected to ensure members and fans can seamlessly participate in the US National Championships and attend WTT Smash. Athletes and spectators can travel from Ontario to Las Vegas and witness the action-packed event WTT smash right after the Nationals end.

“We are excited to bring the US Nationals to Ontario again,” he said Virginia sungCEO of USA Table Tennis. By aligning our dates with the WTT United States Smash, we want to give our members and fans the opportunity to experience both events, making 2025 an unforgettable year for table tennis in the US.

WTT United States Smash: July 3-13, 2025, Las Vegas

The World Table Tennis (WTT) American crash debuts in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Orleans Arena July 3 to 13, 2025.

This 11-day event will showcase the world's best and Olympic gold medalists Wang Chuqin And Sun Yingshaas well as American talents such as Lily Zhang And Jha's child they are expected to compete. As the first WTT Grand Smash to be held in the United States, this event is destined to leave a lasting impact and continue the growth of table tennis in the US, especially as we head towards the Olympic Games from 2028 in LA.

U.S. WTT Youth Candidates Win Support for U.S. Citizens and WTT US Smash

The US will host six WTT Youth Contenders in 2025, two of which have been carefully planned around the US Nationals and the inaugural WTT US Smash, so that our rising juniors can compete in all events during their summer.

The WTT Youth Contender at the Westchester Table Tennis Center from June 24 to June 27e will kickstart the summer league season for U.S. junior players, who can then travel to the U.S. Nationals in Ontario, California. Junior Age events at the US Nationals begin no earlier than June 30e to accommodate travel time for athletes participating in the WTT Youth Contender immediately in advance.

After the WTT US Smash, inspired junior players can continue their competitive streak by playing at the WTT Youth Contender San Francisco III at the 888 Table Tennis Center from July 17 to 20.e.

The full schedule of WTT Youth events can be found at

With two iconic events scheduled back-to-back, 2025 will be a landmark year for table tennis in the United States. Fans and players alike can enjoy the pinnacle of domestic competition at the US Nationals before heading to Las Vegas to witness the world's best compete on American soil at the first-ever WTT US Smash. Junior players will have the opportunity to participate in WTT Youth Events, before and after the US Nationals and WTT US Smash, creating an exciting summer for our brightest future stars.




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