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Hong Kong Sixes 2024: great tournament, great experience | Hong Kong Sixes, 2024

Hong Kong Sixes 2024: great tournament, great experience | Hong Kong Sixes, 2024


With the Sixes returning for the first time since 2017, caught up with some of the participating players to find out how excited they are to play in the tournament.

Did you know? The first edition of the Hong Kong Sixes was played THIRTEEN YEARS before the first official T20 match was played. Did you know that too? South Africa, who have yet to win an ICC trophy, have won the Sixes five times? See you soon? Then let's move on to the rules.

Also read:Hong Kong Sixes are back, but will cricket fortunes return?

Simply put, the Sixes is a T10 version of a T10. Each side will have six players, including a wicketkeeper. The 2024 edition will be a six-over match where a bowler can bowl a maximum of two overs while the rest of the outfielders can bowl one over each. Additionally, wides and no-balls count as two runs. As for the batters, once you cross 50, he has to retire, and if the rest of the batters are dismissed before the end of six overs, he can continue his innings. An innings ends when six wickets have fallen. The last batter has a runner on the other side, but will bat for all balls.

The Sixes have seen many stalwarts participate, from Sachin Tendulkar to David Warner. Although some have played the tournament several times, for many it will be the first time. Let's see what some of them have to say about the Sixes.

(All quotes as told to in exclusive chats)

JJ Smuts(South Africa)

Yes, look, it will actually be the second time I come. If I remember correctly, I think I went to the Hong Kong Sixes around 2008. So it would be nice to experience it again. It's a great tournament with a great atmosphere. Yes, of course, lots of fours and sixes, and it's very entertaining. I think that pretty much explains why you want to come back, especially as a hitter, you want to hit it all over the place. And I think it's a very fun but very competitive tournament.

With the bat. It speaks for itself. You have about four fielders, you have to practice hitting the ball six times, trying to face as few balls as possible. And then, as a bowler, it's obviously about damage control. I think it's a fact that you're going to get hit throughout the show, but you have to make sure you make as few runs as possible. But yes, it is a very difficult tournament for bowlers. I remember the last time I was here, you were beaten all over the park. But like I said, it's fun and entertaining. The game can literally change in the course of about three balls. So it's really fun to watch and be a part of.

Aizaz Khan(Hong-Kong)

It's great to hear that the Sixes are coming back, and I'm extremely excited. Having grown up in Hong Kong, I always loved the cricket sixes as a boy. It was always a chance to see big players from all over the world come and participate. My fondest memory of the tournament was when Hong Kong reached the cup final against South Africa [in 2009]. It was a huge achievement for the whole country and it was great to be part of it.

Being an all-rounder during the sixes is definitely the most appreciated. To bowl under pressure and execute deliveries, slower balls and yorkers are useful. With the bat, playing five overs per side, big hitting is a skill you absolutely need to be successful.

Nizakat Khan(Hong-Kong)

I am very excited about the return of Hong Kong International Sixes. My fondest memory is coming with my brother in 2004, and from there I told myself that one day I wanted to be here and represent Hong Kong.

For the Sixes, six players play the game: one goalkeeper, five fielders and one bowler. If you have extraordinary skills, you will be successful. As for bowling, it is difficult to bowl in Zessen. You need special skills for that, such as slower balls, yorkers. In short, Sixes is a batter's tournament. Hard hitters are more successful in Sixes, but it's a lot of fun.

Fawad Ahmed(Australia)

I saw, saw David Warner and Glenn Maxwell play too. So I took a look and I saw a lot [them] play, but earlier it was on a different ground, but this time it is on a real cricket field. It's going to be difficult to, you know, where to bowl and how to bowl, and it's only five overs, and you only get one over, you know.

So yes, I played T10, so I bowled two overs. I had really good success in T10. So I played like the last time, three years ago, I think, and I had the best economy of the tournament. It will be a good experience, you know, I've never been to Hong Kong, so it will be a good experience.

Evan Jones(South Africa)

Yeah, well [watched the tournament] when I was growing up, but that was probably when I was between 10 and 18 years old. Very exciting tournament. Yes, glued to the screens to watch a very exciting tournament. So to be a part of it, I think it's going to be really cool and exciting. In today's cricket world you never know what a tournament can do for you as a cricketer.

I think that's the most exciting part. You can see that there are some big names participating in the tournament as well. So of course to learn from them, interact with them, I think that would be great, right?

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