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Earthquakes shaking the Awash region with a magnitude of 4.6 were felt in Addis Ababa

Earthquakes shaking the Awash region with a magnitude of 4.6 were felt in Addis Ababa


Yesterday evening, the Awash region witnessed its second earthquake during the day, which is the latest in a series of earthquakes that struck the region. The US Geological Survey reported that this earthquake, which occurred at 6:20 p.m., registered a magnitude of 4.6 on the Richter scale. The tremor was felt by many Addis Ababa residents, raising concerns about the recent increase in seismic activity.

The Awash-Vinthal region has now witnessed five earthquakes over the past few days, causing widespread concern among local residents and prompting warning messages from various agencies. Authorities advised residents to remain alert and follow any safety protocols issued by the Ethiopian government and relevant agencies, especially since the earthquakes are felt as far away as the capital, Addis Ababa.

The Institute of Geophysics, Space Sciences and Astronomy at Addis Ababa University confirmed, in a statement dated October 23, 2024, that a series of earthquakes of varying strength occurred in the Awash-Vental region. Professor Atalay Ayele, Head of the Department of Sociology at Addis Ababa University, provided further insights into the events. He explained that the strongest earthquake today, with a magnitude of 4.6, was recorded at 6:13 p.m. According to Professor Ayele, the tremors resulting from this earthquake were felt in different areas of Addis Ababa, although he stressed that their strength was less. of these earthquakes means that they do not currently pose a significant threat to the population.

Professor Ailey also pointed out that the Awash-Vental area is known for its tectonic activity, as it is located near the East African Rift, an area where tectonic plates are gradually breaking apart. This geological context makes the area particularly vulnerable to frequent, low-magnitude earthquakes, which are generally considered non-threatening but can sometimes cause alarm among residents unfamiliar with seismic activity. He stressed the need for continuous monitoring of the area to track any possible increases in the frequency or intensity of the earthquake.

Gebertsadek, head of the Geology Department at Samara University, provided additional details about the nature of the earthquakes. Speaking to Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC), he explained that the recent tremors in the Awash Vental area are likely linked to the movement of molten rock, or magma, beneath the Earth's surface. When magma moves, it creates pressure on the surrounding rock formations, causing fractures and triggering seismic activity. Gebertsadek noted that the geological characteristics of the area, especially its volcanic history, contribute to the possibility of such activity occurring.

Despite the increase in earthquakes, Gebertsadegh noted that predicting the duration or frequency of these seismic events remains a challenge due to the complex interactions of geological forces at play. However, he stressed the importance of preparing for potential future incidents by implementing public awareness campaigns to educate residents on earthquake preparedness and safety procedures. He also highlighted the need for research to better understand seismic patterns in the region, as more accurate information could help authorities and residents take appropriate precautions.

The Ethiopian government and local geological institutions are coordinating to closely monitor the situation. Many agencies are also working to disseminate important information and guidance to the public to ensure their safety. Residents were advised to familiarize themselves with emergency response plans and remain vigilant, as even small earthquakes can sometimes cause structural damage or, in rare cases, trigger larger seismic events.

In light of these developments, experts recommend that residents in Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas prepare for the possibility of more earthquakes, even if they are of low magnitude. Simple safety measures, such as securing heavy furniture, identifying safe places to take shelter during an earthquake, and creating a basic emergency kit, can greatly increase resilience to seismic events.

The recent earthquakes that struck the Awash Vintal region confirmed that the region is exposed to tectonic activity. Geologists continue to study fault lines and volcanic structures in the area to better understand the risks associated with living in a tectonically active area. While there is currently no indication of an imminent threat, the recurrence of recent tremors serves as a reminder of the need to prepare and take informed action.

Local and international geologists are expected to collaborate in conducting further studies, with a focus on assessing the potential long-term impacts of these seismic activities on neighboring communities. Until then, public vigilance and adherence to safety guidelines remains critical for residents across the area.




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